Home CMMG Q&A Session – Random Questions Answered

Q&A Session – Random Questions Answered


In this installment of Q&A with Mike, he answers your various questions about different things.

Thanks to everyone that answered the call on our other social media platforms asking for questions. Keep your questions coming and we’ll keep making these videos!

1. Is the Mk57 Buffer Tube the same size as a Mil-Spec AR? I want to put a LAW Tactical Adapter on 0:38

2. How does semi-automatic work? 1:05

3. Will a trigger like the RareBreed FRT-15 or Echo Binary work in the BANSHEE .45 or 10mm? 2:07

4. Does a suppressor act as a barrel extension for the projectile? Like if you have an 8in SBR with a can that’s also 8in, so you now have a 16in barrel? And secondly, are suppressors rifled? 2:46

5. Help me understand the difference between M4 vs. M5 4:52

6. Can you recommend some accessories for the BANSHEE? 6:18

7. Any recs for a hand stop to add to the BANSHEE 300 9mm? 7:35

8. Mike, what are one or two of your bucket list guns? Two of mine are 10mm BANSHEE and a Mutant. 8:46

Mike also asks if you think we should do a CMMG Podcast.

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  1. Will we see a 10.5in Barrel for the MK57 / MK57 Conversions ? Or was it decided that 5in, 8in and 16in options were enough? I know 2 inches are not going to make 'that' big of a difference in ballistics, but it would give 2 more inches of finger/hand/accessories room. 🙂

  2. Did you guys switch your milispec triggers here lately ? Or did I get screwed on gunbroker by someone pulling a switch, they came in a clear wrapper and the rest of the lower kit was in the different color bags, was for ar15

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