Hey there Tundra Nation and welcome back to the channel! Today on Tundra Tactical we give you The History of the AR-15 Rifle. Dont forget to like the video!
The History of the AR-15 Rifle is a popular topic that has been discussed many times over the years. With Dozens of Documentaries, Articles, and Publications taking a stab at how America’s favorite rifle came into being. There is just one problem with this though, they are all boring! No one wants to watch some old guy talk for an hour telling anecdotes and facts, They want entertainment! So with this in mind We here at Tundra Tactical decided to take a crack at The History of the AR-15 Rifle.
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*** ABOUT ME ***
Hey Guys We are Tundra Tactical, If you don’t know by now our job, the way we see it is to make fun of the people products and companies of the firearms industry. Remember that everything we say (almost everything) is in good fun and try not to take too much offense to the roasting.
The Tundra Nation’s content is generated by its fans and most of the official team for The Tundra Nation have been recruited via the discord. If you like the content and want to help create fun YouTube videos make sure to join the discord today!
• The history of the ar-15
• ar 15 history
• ar-15 history
• AR-15 Rifle

Make sure to drop a Like and comment down below for the Algorithm!!!!
No video of Tyler actually shooting an AR15 while eating spoonfuls of mayo right out of the jar?
This made my day!
Lmao more educational than listening to a anti gunner
I hope you make it onto Johnny B spicy Friday
Enjoy this video?? How??
How do you only have 76K subs? I laugh my a$$ off on these videos.
This is history of the AR-15 they don't want you to know! Watch to the end for the one thing that will totally surprise you! LOL. ALSO I LOVE MY CHEESE GRATING QUAD RAILS!
I thought the infamous assault rifle 15 was manifested by all of the racist, transphobe bigots in the world with the sole purpose of comitting as many mass shootings as possible by multiplying itself and attaching itself to cis gendered white men that are only capable of absolute hatred for anything not blonde haired, blue eyed and straight.
i mostly like you, cynicism and all but I think your channel needs an angle, an overreaching topic besides "guns and bitching" to really grab subscribers and more importantly, those views. you have a lot of inside knowledge, i'd run with that
I think I actually learned something.
Al Gore's rhythm.
65 years later and companies still have trouble making one that works reliably.
More accurate than most of the "news" out there.
So many history and so few Jim Sullivan. No watermelon only cantaloupe. Could have been worse like AK. Maybe watermelon. Bring more Tundra!
Educate me daddy.
Just down here listening to the sounds of a dying water buffalo clubbing seals that is Al Gores' Rhythm Section
The M14 was America's biggest mistake until a zookeeper shot a gorilla in 2016…
For real though, if you ever wanna talk gun history, hit me up.
It all began when a bunch of nerds were sitting around trying to figure out what to do with their empty soda cans.
Always love sitting in drunken history ish class
Hey, I like my quad-rail. Nothing says "I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!", like a permanently disfigured left hand, when you forget, one time, to wear gloves at the range.
Very good. I will never look at the AR again, and not want to cry.
I just got my first AR and I want to mate with it.
AR15s should be banned from civilian hands
There's your history lesson
The AR-10 failed because it wasn't ready for production. It failed reliability and durability tests. It also came in at 8.9 lbs, lighter than the competition but not exactly light weight. We should of bought the FN FAL like we promised NATO that we would.
Selling coffee making t-shirts and selling out the 2nd amendment
The dig at the end got me hard. Good job!
Tundra Thursday!