Here’s my review and range test of the CMMG AR pistol chambered for the 7.62X39 cartridge.
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For that price I would buy a fully automatic 20 gauge shotgun but if you can afford it it might bring down a small drone. What a sport
these CMMG mutants have made they way to the UK ! saw one at a gun show in yorkshire, northern england a few years back
5.56 AKs?! 7.62 ARs?! What’s next? Dogs & cats getting along? Politicians telling the truth? HR Funk joining a hippie commune?
Outstanding Howard! I Would like to own the resolute Rifle.Cmmg is a good company .I own a .22LR conversion kit for my 5.56mm AR-15 just swap out the bolt and magazine.It is very accurate with the 1:7 twist with 40 grain ammo.
Very good review! CMMG makes a really good product. I love my 10mm Banshee. I do agree with your comments about the price and what’s items you would expect with the purchase. My Banshee now has a new 2stage trigger, a Vortex red dot and backup iron sights. It’s now one of my favorite firearms!
Thanks for the video!
Great presentation. I've always wondered about these.
Was hoping you'd smoke that socialist fly….nice shooting Leatherneck…

Nice rifle.
Excellent presentation as usual.

I love the 20 round "tanker" x39 mags! Keep a PSA AK pistol in a backpack; the 20 round mag lets me have one mag vs. no mag in and still come easily out.
She's a Keeper!

Fantastic shooting and great points. I’d love to own one of these it’s just priced out of my range currently.
It's an odd beast! 7.62×39 does better then 5.56 in pistols and SBR's. Redarmy ammo does well in my SKS and Wasr. It's not bad ammo.
The Red Army shot good with a red dot , I have passed on it in the past
LRHO is not new technology. What is up with that?
Love the set ups but I think they dropped the ball with no bolt hold open paddle.. that's the perfect size if you wanted a SBR.
Can that upper be dropped onto a standard ar lower?
The audacity to ship this without backup sights.
The mutant makes a good impression for the cartridge. Would be interesting to see how the longer barrel variants do at a few hundred yards. What sight has Frank installed?
I don t think a full sz AK would shot as well as that did
Thank you,love short barreled AK's ,..you shoulddo a reviewon a zastava arms 92..maybe throw that thing in the river..
I didn't expect to see all those shots on top of each other from 50 yards. For a 10 inch barrel, with el cheapo steel ammunition that was fairly good.
That is a mighty fine freedom sender you have there, Funk.
Very nice looking gun . I just got a wather pdp . Went to optics planet got lost at all the chooses . Very big selection . Nice prices
Interesting weapon no bolt hold is negative but otherwise real neat enough to check on one of these, I favor the M43 cartridge over 5.56. Excellent shooting by the way.
Chief, Great Weapon and great shooting. Thank you for this review.
Welcome back — with a suntan — from the Low Country.
I have always appreciated CMMG’s quality and I like the design’s basic concept — AR-10, rather than AR-15, durability and structural strength for 7.62x39mm cartridges. In addition, the accuracy and functionality are clearly excellent.
However, I really dislike the inability to have an open bolt and, therefore, a visibly empty chamber. Years ago, I was a RSO at the Quantico Shooting Club (and, of course, I have shot in many other venues). I can’t remember a single range where having a observably empty chamber wasn’t mandatory, when not actually firing (for obvious safety reasons). I can picture trying to explain to the RSO, “Well, I can’t lock the both open, so please violate a major safety protocol and just trust me.”
This is wrong on so many levels.
Now where can I get one?
Great video and shooting HR…that bee got scared because he thought you were tack driving!
Fun little gun!
Great review HR, but that hold open of the bold would be abit to get used to! But think it otherwise is a fine piece!
Very good review. The lack of sights is not a real concern and the magazines are so available I can overlook it. But the trigger IS an issue. And in my mind, a serious one. In areas with a larger population, it is possible to test shoot a firearm before purchasing. Not the case for me and many other people. Thank you being candid as always.