TRIARC Systems CEO (and mad scientist) Chris Reeves sits down to discuss our most frequently asked questions about spring and buffer weight combinations for TSR-15 rifles with TRACK barrels, along with tips for tuning your rifle.
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I have a mk18 upper, what spring/buffer/ tube do you guys recommend for shooting suppressed and unsupressed?
Yeah don mick tnkz for the recommending I got mine from the same store *immaglockdealer on Wickr * is reliable and legit
I’m confused. Aren’t the springs manufactured by Sprinco?
Ordered my Triarc back at beginning of November 2020 cant wait to get it
What spring should I ues
Hey I have a 450bushmaster but I ues a h3 buffer with a standard ar15 spring carbine with a 16inch barrel
One of my wife's cousins lives in Spring. We stayed there once. The rest live in and around Washington County where my wife was raised. Now, her brother and his family live in Louisiana and her mother is there now, too.
Keep on doing what you do.
Hey Chris, what A5 buffer weight would you recommend for a 16in Mid- length upper (.759 gas port)?
thx you for this for this as my eyes were beginning to bleed from all the reading I have been trying to do. Words R haRd
NAILED IT…good info right here
20" .223 Wylde. Do I need to go rifle Length buffer tube and spring? (42 coils)
Im surprised the white spring hasnt met cancel culture yet for being racist.
I’m ordering a 10.5 from you guys and built my own lower. I’m. Not going suppressed, what buffer weight and spring should I go with?
if you have a slightly overgassed midlength gas system on a 16, kinda like a DD barrel, would you reccomend an H2?
At one point he said a5 on the 13.9 should run an h1 but now that I have that setup I think an h2 would shoot flatter
@TRIARC Systems, LLC I’ve got an 11.5 w/ A5 system an Law folder. The Sprinco green spring with H1 or H2 doesn’t allow the bolt to go fully to the rear resulting in a failure to feed. Can someone chime in with alternative spring choices? Looks like a white spring could work but not sure it’s ideal with the A5 system. Also, does the Law folder change the spring choice or just maybe buffer weight?
Have a 7.5 inch 5.56 with law tactical folding adapter running an h2 buffer. Still spitting shells out at about 2:30–3:00. Recommendations?
What would you recommend if the configuration was a 12.5 triarc upper with an A5 receiver extension and a law folder? Would the green spring + A5H1 combo be sufficient?
For an 11.5 unsuppressed what combo would you recommend? Insightful vid btw!
Which JP SCS plays well with your 12.5? It will have an OSS can living in it.
I’m planning on a 8.3 upper what buffer and spring should I run on my lower??
What buffer do you recommend with red spring?
Nice to see people posting about getting their stuff on a video that’s 4 months old lololol
Hey Chris what do you recommend for a 10.5 mostly non suppressed but want it to function to lower power 223 but still handle to hot stuff
Recommendation on a 16” carbine gas with A carbine buffer and spring that is ejecting at about 1:30? Thinking about the blue or red spring and making the buffer either H1 or H2.
Having a chicken or the egg problem. When tuning a new build, what should I try changing first? The buffer or the spring? What gives you the smaller incremental change?
Super 42
Law Folder with A5 system on your 12.5, is it good to go?
So for 12.5 middy i can ise blue spring with an h1???
So does an ar10 buffer tube + green spring behave similarly to the vltor a5 system?
Chris, buffer system preference on 11.5 suppressed? Thanks man
Looking to upgrade A2 style stock to Lower mid grade collapsible or more modern fixed. I do like the battery storage on my eight to stock though it’s great for extra red dot batteries or flashlight
Received my 11.5 upper (fantastic build quality). Long story short the blue spring/H buffer will randomly not lock the bolt back on an empty mag. Switched to standard carbine and H2 buffet and it runs like a top!