Home AR-15 1st Look KP-15 & Ballistic Advantage Upper

1st Look KP-15 & Ballistic Advantage Upper


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I recently got in some new goodies, coupled with some pieces I’ve had around, and am excited to put together a pretty awesome rifle…

At the heart of the rifle is the new KP-15 Polymer Lower Receiver by KE Arms. It is populated with a Mil-Spec Lower Parts kit and comes with a integrated grip and A1 length stock. The Upper Receiver is a brand new Ballistic Advantage 16″ Mid-Length Upper with a Superlative Arms Adjustable Gas Block and a Geissele Charging Handle. For my Bolt Carrier Group and Buffer / Buffer Spring, I’ll be using the SureFire OBC (Optimized Bolt Carrier). And because no one likes loud guns, I have a Acadian Armament Lynx Suppressor. Topped off, currently, with a Kahles K16i in a Scalarworks LEAP Mount and a Edgar Sherman Design Sling.

As I put in more time with this rifle I’ll bring you a full review. I’m looking forward to getting the gas system dialed in for the suppressor and putting more rounds through it…


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  1. Swapping out trash milspec trigger (really creepy and griity) for an Aim Surplus SSTAT 3.5 lb trigger really brought my KP-15 lower to life. Worst trigger ever – but easily fixed.

  2. I LOVE mine. I put on a mid-weight stainless 16" and a trijicon 1-4. It's not a featherweight gun, but it gives me great handling and accuracy for a very reasonable weight. It's great and has held up to daily farm abuse perfectly. Damnit, I talked about it. Gonna have to go shoot this evening.

  3. I have a kp15 lower and the only drawback so far is that it makes for a much louder rifle than one with a typical lower half. There's no actual buffer tube, just a cylindrical hole through the structural ribs of the buttstock, making the buttstock one big resonating chamber for all the noise. This noise chamber being right by your ear makes suppressing the rifle kinda pointless for the shooter.

  4. @Kit Badger r u sure they supposed to come with the buffer & spring?? Was hoping it did as that's what I'd heard from someone else, but unfortunately mine didn't come with anything besides the buffer detent retainer cross pin. Should I reach out to K E?

  5. Allowing the bolt carrier to travel further back to elongate the cycle might cause some problems. Too much travel reward and you're going to smash the back of your gas key into the receiver extension, might screw up the receiver or mess up the gas key.

  6. been looking at the K.A lower… Honestly tho I need a new upper first my current on is clunky . I try not to buy too similar of guns once I have a role more or less filled. Right now I can barely afford shooting anyway…. Hope things go back to normal soon

  7. Is the barrel the Hanson profile? I bought a 13.7" Hanson barrel and man is it a sweet shooter. Its gassed perfectly. Puts the brass in a neat little pile at 4 o'clock. With a suppressor they exit around 2:30 with no gas blow back. Its a carbine length gas system. They now have a midlength 13.7" barrel so its probably even softer shooting than mine. I'm using an Aero BCG, Damage Industries CS spring, and an H2 buffer. Probably don't need the H2, but the lower is also for an 8" 300 Blackout upper so I need something that works well with both.

    Love that they pin the gas block and spec the gas port size correctly. I measured mine with a set of small letter drills and it came out to .054". Significantly smaller than most barrel manufacturers. For the money, I don't think I'll be buying anything other than B.A. barrels for the foreseeable future.

  8. On that cold start drill I'd give you the 3 in the center circle since the optic wasn't zero'd to the rifle and it was within a 1/4" but that fifth round on the right square…that could have killed a baby penguin and you gotta own that one.

  9. After watching you put on the suppressor I have two questions: why was it so difficult and what kind of spacer does it need?

    Edit: second question answered at the end.

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