Troy TRX Extreme 308 Rail Install on S&W M&P10
I run through the install of the Troy rail for AR10 type rifles, in this case a DPMS low profile version that fits the Smith & Wesson M&P 10

Troy TRX Extreme 308 Rail Install on S&W M&P10
I run through the install of the Troy rail for AR10 type rifles, in this case a DPMS low profile version that fits the Smith & Wesson M&P 10
the part i needed to see wasn't even in camera to fucking tard
Dude I needed to see him take apart the stock handguard and the gas block.. cant find any videos on it
What brand vice block did you use?
What did you do at 4:10 that what I need to know
Bud, you kept blocking the details….. better camera placement would help a ton.
Excellent video. Thanks for posting.
great video but I didnt appreciate you pointing the gun at me at the end. I did not deserve that.
Thx for posting… SO HELPFUL! May I ask what type of low profile gas block you used, I have the same rifle? YHM-9384?
What gas block did you use? Going with similar upgrades!
This video is much appreciated.
Like your vid. FYI on the torque range per the USMC maintenance pecs 30-80 ft-lbs, just helping my dyi shooting brothers out.
Thanks for the video, Shoot safe, shoot often, and keep it in the 10 ring. ( And for Marines, 5 ring ).
Take care, and God Bless
Semper Fi
man getting that pin out of the gas tube for me was a pain in the ass
yours came right out!
What a worthless video! The only thing I could see was the back of your shirt! Didn't learn a thing!
What is the weight with the rail?
That looks way better than the stock handguards
You should delete this video cause all u do is block what ur doing
Thanks anyway!
Camera sucks unfortunately all i see is your back
Very Good Video, Thank you.
What style barrel nut does tge M&P10 use? DPMS or Armalite?
Btw, I liked the vid. Just trying to help.
So, guessing that your torque wrench measures 18" from handle pin to the center of the square drive, and the barrel nut wrench measures 3" from the center of the barrel nut to the square socket…40 ft/lb. on the setting would equal 1/6th ft/lb. more torque, i.e. 46.66 ft/lb.
Here is the link to the thread.
Here is an excerpt from a Practical Machinist forum thread post, by Robert Campbell Jr.:
"Similar extensions used to be available for torquewrenches, along with a little compensation chart. Probably still are.
Any extension can be compensated for with a simple calculation. With a 6" extension, parallel to a torque wrench with 12" between the handle pin and the center of the drive square, the torque value set on your clicker wrench should be reduced by 1/3, the same ratio of the extension over the standardwrench. 120 ft. pounds becoming 80 ft. pounds.
You've just created a torque wrench where foot pounds have become "foot and a half" pounds. By the way, extensions on the handle of course have no bearing on when the "click" will occur, it will be the same with longer arc/less pressure but the wrench won't know it, except for the quite probable disabling of the function of the handle pin, where the handle sleeve should never come into contact with the body of the wrench, changes the "12" length."
You do realize that your barrel nut wrench acts like a torque multiplier, because the square drive is offset from the center axis of barrel nut.
good video of a T shirt, fast forwarding at parts that are important and mumbling audio. just delete it… so others can search troy and m & p 10 and find a good instruction video
Thanks, good video but you used the vise block incorrectly, the clear pieces are only to hold the black blocks from falling off of your upper receiver. I bought the Trx rail because of how good it looked on your rifle.
You blocking the view yourself duh
anybody know where I can get an A2 handguard (the on the rifle at the start of the video) for a AR10?
Hi what is the length of the stock quad raill?
What's the barrel diameter for the low profile gas block you used? Thanks!
Thanks amazing video
Will an m203 fit under the barrel using its standard cofiguration with the delta ring? The barrel seems fine for an m203 but i'm not sure.
Muzzle brake?
Great video! How do you think the 15" rail would be on this rifle? Do you think it would be to much or just fine?
Your camera angle and lighting make it hard to see what you are doing.
Thanks for doing the informative video! Complainers take note: he did this for FREE for public benefit so show some appreciation.
why not put the camera on the other side dude. you keep standing in front of the camera.
Great video super informative and flows well. I honestly think this was the best how to I have seen yet! Thank you!
Torqued incorrectly, the adapter is suppose to be 90 degrees out to get the desired torque set on the wrench. Just sayin.
Thanks for the informative video. Have much fun with my Colt M4, but my son's MP15 shoot more accurately out of the box, Hundreds of dollars later and they both shoot suburb. I am looking froward to the MP10.