Home CMMG CMMG Banshee .45acp

CMMG Banshee .45acp


Full review of the Series 200 CMMG Banshee in .45acp.

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  1. CMMG website under the banshee specifically states it uses SMG 26rd Glock compatible mags. I picked up 3 for mine and noticed it's really hard to load after about half full. Still waiting to pick miy gun up, wonder if the mags just need broke in.

  2. Thank you very much for the overview. I am considering picking up a Banshee 300 for primary home defense and fall back to my sidearm which is chambered in .45. I am considering the Banshee in 9mm for the additional round count but then I would be running different calibers. Do you think I should get the Banshee in .45 for the continuity? I'm also looking for optics suggestions for hi-stress scenarios. It seems to me than having to turn on an optic is one step that doesn't need to be there… Keep up the great content, subscribed!


  3. SGM mags are garbage steer clear. Surprised the company is still in business since all they produce is garbage. Purchased vepr 12 mags from them years ago. Waste of money. They were all warped from pulling them out of the molds to quickly leading to sticky followers and most wouldn't fit in the magwell from being out of tolerances.

  4. cmmg is a very underrated company. They make nice stuff I own one of their factory built AR's and for the money you cant beat it, geissele trigger and nickel boron bolt from the factory and it cost a whole lot less than a very overrated daniel defense.

  5. I saw part of a clip from Tactical Toolbox that shows the difference in recoil between the delayed recoil of the Banshee and a standard AR-9. Rather noticeable.

    Not surprisingly, I would prefer one in .45 Auto. And I like that burnt bronze. Just need to win the lotto or find a cache of gold coins first.

  6. My Guard same as the banshee but before the name change.  
    In 45 runs fine with the KCI mags 26 rounders and of course a stock Glock mag never would work with the sgm mags

  7. Good review on the 45. Checked the price on the 200 and unfortunately at $1,400 it's over my budget. Glock mags are much more reliable than after market. This has been my experience with my 9mm glock feed. Keep those videos coming. I really enjoy them.

  8. I've wondered about these as they look really nice. I've had similar problems when using after market "Glock" magazines. I just stick with the genuine mags now, and that includes most guns. I do use those Lancer AR mags you showed, after the video you showed them I went out and got over a dozen of them. Thanks for the review brother, and have a great week!

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