Home AR-15 How An Automatic AR-15 M16 Rifle Works: Part 2 Assembly & Function

How An Automatic AR-15 M16 Rifle Works: Part 2 Assembly & Function


What’s the difference between a semi automatic AR-15 and a M4 or M16? Let’s find out!

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Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound

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  1. You can own these parts but if you drill that evil 3rd hole it becomes a felony exactly like owning an sba3 or sba4 lol. Both are same charges and same amount of time in jail and same amount of a fine lol soooooo don't do it

  2. I posted this on your other video, but I remember in the early/mid 80's, when a guy could go into a Western Auto Store and buy a semi auto AR-15, or pay another $100 and buy a select fire rifle. Those were the days. I hope I'm not dating myself. 😊

  3. Hey Mike! I was under the impression, select fire weapons could no longer produced for the public. That may or may not be true. But would we be able to buy one of those sear kits and call the ATF and pay the NFA, and register a new lower as a select fire lower? That seems thousands cheaper than buying a full auto lower.

  4. I noticed that the differences in the shape of the hammer and disconnector mean that many after market drop in triggers are inherently incompatible with a mil-spec auto sear. Even non standard ways like the coat hanger auto sear aren't compatible with everything. My currently in progress build has a KE Arms SLT 1 trigger and the different design of that one means I would have to custom engineer something as no internal solution I have yet seen would work with it. If the law ever changes I will probably just get a new trigger if I want to go select fire for that build.

  5. I know y I u probably won't see this but I was wondering if you could help me find a good suppressor for a 16 inch and 10.5 inch 5.56 ar rifle that can also work for maybe an ak47 in 7.62×39 and up to .300 norma mag much love brother!

  6. Out of battery detonation is not possible in the AR15, the bolt has to engage and spin within the sytem locking the lugs before the firing pin will protrude….Also the drilling has nothing to do with the legality, its the act of firing more than once per action squeeze of trigger.

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