Home AR-15 Anderson arms pistol 7.5"

Anderson arms pistol 7.5"


Build Shooting and review AR 15 pistol

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  1. ARs suck. Get a real gun. Ak47. Been shooting AKs 30+ years. Never had a fail to feed, eject, or fire. Never. Never (or rarely) need to be cleaned either) Bought an AR. Every fourth shot jams, stovepipes , fails to eject, chamber, constantly. At the range, guys with $3000 Daniel defense ARs using $6 wolf steel case AK ammo in their nickel boron bolts, forward assist getting plenty of action, failures everywhere. Jamming every other shot. Blaming the ammo, blaming the magazines, blaming the dirty barrel, etc Lol. Ever wonder why ARs have forward assists, and AK47s don't? AR15s need them.

  2. Jeeze, I can't watch! Does your son like you? Good Lord, you have it on safe when trying to fire. You have it live when needs to be dead….scary…I would never shoot next to you. Terrible discipline. Now bend over fatty and get spanked…or keep taking your chances with your awful weapon handling & awareness

  3. You worry me with your gun safety. I am not trying to be a jerk but you really need to be aware of your finger on the trigger. Yes, i know it's not loaded in some of the frames and the magazine was dropped some of the times but your finger should never be on the trigger until you are ready to shoot it. Again, not trying to be a jerk, just please be aware of that in the future.

  4. My son finished the lower end build on my 7.5 barrel. Fuck a bump stock. Neighbors on next farm called Sheriffs department, said we had a full auto. Really fun piece,and Damn good shooting at 50 yards!!!😎

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