Now What?!?! The ATF is at it again with the AR 15 Pistol Brace issue. God Family and Guns takes a look at what the ATF is up to this time with understanding the question, can I shoulder an AR15 Pistol?
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The robot army is being built to collect them, that's why there is a chip shortage
From a functional point of view the brace is a disaster. I recently purchased a Smith & Wesson MP15 and it came with a brace. I sighted it in and fire it using the brace as a collapsed stock. Okay, so I'm bored. I pull out the weapon and put the thing on my arm. It is very difficult to point the weapon at the intended target and use the sight with the brace in place. It tends to push the point of impact a few inches to the left and even 15 yards. So is there any real reason to ban the brace? Not really. Is there any reason to defend the brace. Yes, it is a matter of principal and we know that it is a domino that the left is surging against.
@GFG / PLEASE INFLUENCE – We Need Your VOICE and LEVERAGE on this platform on ATF COMMENTS for all ~317K subs. RESEARCH REQUIRED – There is MUCH MORE to it, devil is in details – End Goal is AR15 Pistol Ban! POST-EFFECT: 40K-10M law-abiding Americans reclassified as Felons overnight. Posing as objective, the criteria is clearly subjective and the biased rating system arbitrarily classifies 95% of common-setups as SBRs; no grandfathering, no grace period, and no NFA tax waivers – along w/ATF option to OVERRULE calculated score, even if passing (<=4pts). EVERYONE MUST COMMENT. ATF no longer "interpreting laws as written", they are REWRITTING laws against current legal precedence – those who enforce the laws cannot make the laws, especially postured as heavily anti-firearm. ILL-INTENT can only be derived based on the method and means displayed here and employed by the gun-control administration and/or puppeteers.
I appreciate you are doing, as a long-time subscriber here who has enjoyed the content of all your channels, my prayer request is to IMPLORE you to take stand on this, else rename the channel just God & Family, as there will be no more guns if the powerful have their way. Scouts Out, b
I don't give a crap what they "allow" or "don't allow". The ATF is an ILLEGAL ENTITY. Criminals cannot make laws. "Government" cannot make laws that go against the Constitution. The Constitution IS THE LAW OF THIS COUNTRY. The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Anybody remember that?? Stand your ground, DO NOT COMPLY WITH CRIMINALS. If they kill some of us the tide will turn and they'll begin to look so bad that soon nearly the entire country will turn against them. Remember, they can only kill the body, your soul belongs to God.
They're just upset they can't tax stamp an ar pistol
Just make sure you have good dog insurance and fire extinguishers handy
Pistol brace that’s adjustable “extends” can de shouldered as a SBR now then why they say no SBR is it can be concealed so if you have a concealed carry permit what’s the problem.?
It’s just a platform the democrats don’t want you to have. …….. because they don’t understand it and are scared of if it like the troglodytes they are
Re-Train the police better!!! A proper society of educated peoples need no guns – Only dolts need guns!!
Ban all guns! America is the only 'modern' nation with mass murders! All directly linked to guns everywhere…
Every time I try to comment on the ATF site its shut down
Its all about the tax stamp thats how much for every braced pistol and how many million pistols
Wake up and go to the ATF website and leave a comment.
All the ATF is doing is covering their butts when asking for comments on AR 15 pistol braces. When Chipman can't give a lucid definitive response concerning what an assault weapon is & he's suppose to be the head of that FEDERAL AGENCY, this writer has no faith in the rest of them. These burocrats change their minds with e every administration. NOTHING BUT POLITICAL HACKS.
The ATF never gave Americans their rights God did.
ATF needs to focus on criminals not law abiding citizens. Need to quit wasting time on people like us instead of the criminals. Of course that’s not what the dems are far left want. Let the criminals run free and mess with us. Plez keep the great messages coming
Thank you Mark as usual they like twisting things up so I'm sure that's there way of redefining like you said and I agree just leave it alone!
Defund, disband the ATF. bunch of useless govt clowns
who cannot make laws. Only suggest changes. Only congress can make laws
TL;DR the ATF wants everybody to register their pistols as Short Barreled Riffles, ergo when the ATF says your firearm is an SBR, it's an SBR…
ahhh daddy government let us have sbrs , we grovel and put our heads dowm to get permission we deserve our guns taken from us
My understanding from reading the ATF rule change proposal is that any pistol with any stabilizing brace will be illegal…
Dont care anymore, im done worrying about tyrannical agencies that dictate literally nothing in my life.
Pray for Trevor, he is homeless and has liver cancer. He lost his mother two years ago, and doesn't think that he has any reason to live.
Don't worry about the ATF. The Army of God is not affected by them.
This is just another unconstitutional power & money grab. Think of how many hundreds of millions of dollars they could generate from all the pistols that became an SBR overnight with this new proposed rule, not to mention all the felony charges they can milk for those who get caught "violating" this new rule. Submit your comment folks.
They want to ban 90+ percent of the braced pistols as that is what this new set of rules would do.
It is not the ATF’s job to write laws or translate laws it is their job to enforce the laws. Since 99% of law abiding citizens follow the laws then the ATF should be going after the criminals. Come on ATF you are really showing yourselves come on man.
Abolish the ATF, repeal the NFA.
I would advise that federal agencies MUST follow the LAWS of our Constitution. The ATF is no exception to this. Our Constitution does NOT grant the ATF the authorization to create, alter or depict LAW. In short, your "rules", "regulations", "policies", etc., are not LAW and cannot be enforced as such. While your definitions, regulations, rules and policies can make for interesting reading, they are NOT LAW. Further, your proposed rules regarding stabilizing braces is wholly unconstitutional as are your SBR "regulations". Let me give you an example. My mother in-law, because of her physical stature and arthritic condition, cannot reasonably a safely operate a standard .380ACP or 9mm handgun (the 2 most popular calibers in the world). Further, she also cannot reasonably and safely operate and full-length barrel rifle (16" or more). However, she CAN properly and safely operate a 8.5" short-barrel rifle. Therefore, your current "regulation" regarding SBR's is completely unconstitutional in that you are expressly INFRINGING upon her God given and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. My mother in-law is not unique in this matter. The United States currently includes at least 60 million people of this EXACT condition. The current SBR "regulations" are a DIRECT infringement of the 2nd Amendment protected right of more than 60 million people in this country. These proposed new "regulations" regarding "stabilizing braces" is nothing but further infringement upon the 2nd Amendment RIGHTS of law abiding citizens of the United States of America. And this doesn't even begin to expound upon the utter stupidity of these so-called "rules" and "regulations", which in and of themselves are ILLEGAL since the ATF does NOT have the Constitutional authority to "regulate" firearms or make LAW to begin with.
Be advised, We The American People will no longer stand for the unconstitutionality of this ATF agency. We will not tolerate it any longer. Expect that there will be US Supreme Court cases regarding these matter to be forthcoming.
I will "shoulder" whatever the hell I want to shoulder .. the ATF can go EF themselves sill in some dark corner somewhere.
The feds asked us gunowners in Obama years dealing with 62 grain 5.56 rounds (anti armor rounds) . They shutted the fucked up after millions of Gun owners said No!! . We can do it again with our majority! I told the ATF my piece 2 weeks ago.
It's like kids debating the flavor and nutrition of macaroni and cheese based on the size of the box. Pointless…..its just macaroni and cheese when the cooking starts.
It's because they know you are just skirting that $200 tax stamp for a SBR.
And I fail to see why an SBR is even an issue, because you can have a real pistol with a long enough barrel be more powerful than a SBR with the same length barrel!
Just another waste of government resources at the expense of American rights, I, as a tax paying voter didn’t approve of the power the ATF has attained and need them to dismantle and defund and put their resources back onto my and every other voting taxpayers check. The ATF is absolutely a farce of an agency and has no place whatsoever in this world
the key to this new rule is where they say that even if your gun meets all the standards of this document they can still classify it as a SBR. I think you need to ask your self can it be shouldered? If the answer is yes then a ATF agent, a LEO, or a person at random that hates guns could make you a felon. Idaho just ratified our laws to state that any weapon or weapon accessory that was legal on January 1 2020 shall be protected from all state enforcement of new laws, rules, or executive orders enacted on the federal level.
This is another stupid deal that really should not even be an issue. What difference could it possibly make if your sword is long, short, skinny, fat, light or heavy. An whether your pocket knife is spring loaded 4 inch or 5.9 inch. This is a self serving attempt to make work and appear relevant to some presumed public safety issue.
They will ignore all of your suggestions!
Atf wants felons because felons can’t vote
Any gun law is unconstitutional. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED