Home AR-15 Top 5 AR 15 Mistakes New Gun Owners Make

Top 5 AR 15 Mistakes New Gun Owners Make


Hey there Tundra Nation and welcome back to the channel! Today on Tundra Tactical, we help all the new folks out there by telling the top 5 AR 15 Mistakes New Gun Owners Make.

Are you a new gun owner? Are you looking at getting your first AR 15? Well listen up, we have the perfect video for you right here. There are many things that can trip a new gun owner up when buying an AR 15, and many mistakes that new gun owners make.

We here at tundra tactical, endeavor to make the shooting world a better place by weeding out the week so only the strong survive, so saddle up as we go over the top 5 AR 15 mistakes new gun owners make.

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• new gun owner
• new gun owner mistakes
• ar 15 mistakes
• ar-15


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  1. Have only the quad rail, but it is utilized. Selectable red/green dot, flip up irons, 1000 lumen remote switched flashlight. Aluminum, so close to weightless. And why would you color a pretty black rifle anyway?🤪 That just makes it show up better in the dark, and who wants that?

  2. I was with you all the way up to the magnifier , lol. Im probably never gonna be able to engage anyone at 50 yards legally…much less 500-700 yds. A magnified optic may help me pluck a dude thats behind cover that is shooting at me from 50 though if it came to that. If they are shooting at me from 500 yds ….then im getting the hell outta dodge. Magnifiers arent a big deal lol. LPVO's arent as much fun at the range when your plinking around….thats what 99% of us do with our rifles. Get a red dot and magnify it if you want. Its cheap and easy and could get you out of a situation that probably isnt coming for you , lol.

  3. The Smith & Wesson m&p sport II is the best budget rifle on the market and I will out shoot you three times over with mine and I didn't pay thousands of dollars for it 😉👍

  4. Just told my ole Bushmaster with the quad rail , bayonet lug and A2 front sight she was still beautiful to me. At least she is sporting a 1 to 6 LVPO and not a red dot magnifier.

  5. What? The Big Igloo, aka the Big Luau, is still a thing? I just took all of my Hawaiian shirts to the thrift shop. Now I'll have to go down and buy them all back. I wish someone had told me earlier.

    And who gives a flying f*ck about Al Gore and his music?

  6. Interesting video. I used to wonder if i was missing out by not modifying my ar and finally figured out that keeping up with the latest stuff was money better spent on ammo.

  7. I bought an off-brand Acog for a meme and then I stenciled Tryjicon FAcog on it. Surprisingly it keeps it's zero, is bright, and clear. So what started as a joke is now the optic staying on my rifle. But as soon as it starts deviating, I'm filling it with tannerite. Plus, bayonets are love, bayonets are life. Run out of ammo or something breaks, rifle becomes spear that I can chuck like a rabid caveman 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  8. I have a black pistol AR with a red grip . I never assumed it was a custom build . But you are right , colors are bad and everything must be boring . We must squeeze every drop of fun out of … what we are doing for fun… eh, 🤔. And before you start going on about freedom and guvment… you didn’t spend a thousand bucks and hide it from your wife two weeks ago cuz of “fighting tyranny”… you spent it because you enjoy it… but remember … No fun allowed , this is 🧐 serious

  9. I don't think anyone is going to care what there gun looks like when they're protecting themselves. As long as you can shoot the thing with decent accuracy and are safe with it who cares what some gun snob has to say. Exercise your 2A however the fuck you want just like the founding fathers intended you to.

  10. Not going to lie…nut’n sold me on a 2-7 for my first rifle YEARS ago! I remember a video he did a long time ago on the best optics for the AR. I still love it, but has no illumination, so no electronics to fail I guess. But hey, it’s a vortex so it’s been great so far. It’s not as bad though as some guys I know running a 3-9 or god forbid that one guy I know with a 4-16x on his AR 🥴. This was before the 1-6 LPVO even existed though so give me a break lol. 1-4 just isn’t enough for my crappy eyesight. Even at 200 yards only. So sue me.

    Oh and you’re dead on about the quad rails those are hot garbage. I have military friends that will only buy milspec and milspec triggers because milspec is best it’s what works in the desert so it’s the best there is! Then some of the guys I know were issued crap so they are the smart ones and know what’s up lol.

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