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Castle Nut Wrench
Flip Up Iron Sights for Rifle Includes Front Sight Adjustment Tool
AWOTAC Polymer Black Fiber Optics Iron Sights Flip-up Front and Rear Sights with Red and Green Dots Fit Picatinny Weaver Rails
Sig Sauer Romeo5
Covert Clutch HexGrip – Universal Tactical Grip Sleeve | The Original | 100% Made in USA
Monstrum 100 Lumens Ultra-Compact Flashlight with 90 Degree Offset Rail Mount and Detachable Remote Pressure Switch (Black)
Feyachi RS-30 Reflex Sight, Multiple Reticle System Red Dot Sight with Picatinny Rail Mount, Absolute Co-Witness
Ambidextrous Sling mount
Magpul Sling
SANFEE two point traditional sling attachments mount for M-lok system
Rail mount Laser with pic rail on top
#3rdEyesOnly #Ar15 #ArP
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The magazine isn't the problem. A failure to feed issue isn't always the magazine, it is more than likely a issue with the gas system. When a round goes off, there is a violent explosion which is like a earthquake and things can move around. Make sure your gas block is correctly positioned and tightened. Make sure your bolt is meeting up with your gas tube correctly, because that's the life blood of your AR. Also, even though your magazine holds 30 rounds. Try only putting 29 or 28 rounds in the magazine and you will see a big difference in the force that is needed to seat a magazine. A pair of gloves will help with the heat from the handguard. Stay safe and always use practice proper gun safety and have fun.
You should clean all tht trash up after u shot not kool
Ets is garbage my friend was murder by somebody who had a glock 19 with one of there extended magazines in it he shot three times then it jammed my bro still died tho
Thanks for the heads up
Where u get that pistol upper from did u build that pistol ?
Lmao use pmags bro lol
Get a forward grip ijs I know it’s just a mag dump but you probably would like the forward grip better
Can't aim for SHIIEEET
This video should help you understand the magazine problems https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OfPVTXRRJtg
Just buy a legal gun fuckin nigga. I hate how y’all can get these poles. Super dangerous and not right when you prolly ain’t legal to buy from a store
Ever got the 26 back and you running 223 or 556
You shoud keep your hair like that makes you look more outlawish.
Try tightening the mag release
Idk if you have any or not but lancer mags are also very good quality they also have steel feed lips
Bro I’m 16 turning 17 in 6months I’m trynna get a ar15 Pistol like that cuz it’s reckless kids outside in Miami I’m trynna protect my family my step D got a AK47 vska and g19 gen4 I’ve shot bought at the range but I wanna start with a p80 ar15
Love the vids my guy
Throw that Amazon Red dot away

just bought my literature for the subaru(s)!
love the trigger discipline, now work on where u point it, keep it up man
That bummed me out, I was hoping they would be better. Have two I ordered after seeing your psa video. Take care Maine!
Na that mag just wasn't locking in its not the gas system if the pmag ran fine. Have the bolt back then put the mag in to see if it seats all the way so flush like the pmag was. Since u said it sticks out farther on the side with the ets in. If it locks in with the bolt open without falling out either wait till the spring loosens or load a few less rounds. That's why the glock had failures to extract or feed with the full mag at first. Then ran fine with half mag. Leave it loaded maybe for a bit loosen it up faster. Not in the gun bit in a separate area if it's not locked up and if u live with anyone else that may not know gun safety like yourself. Such as young kids impressing friends
Damn was that search warrant around the same time or is that from a minute ago
If you zero in that red dot at around 36 yards you should be able to hit targets out to 100… just compensate.
Not the blueberry fanta
Not one gun you put on this channel works.every one fails.And if you have to slame the mag that hard and it keeps failing out your mag release isn't in right. There is 2 reasons that happens .If you ever have to use those guns your in trouble because they don't work.
ETS mags are complete garbage if you want reliable mags get Magpul pmags, D&H aluminum mags, surefeed aluminum mags, and if u want the clear look with reliability then get Lancer mags
Same goes for Glock mags. Stick to OEM Glock mags even the Magpul Glock mags suck
Happiness is…(even with issues) a warm barrel, empty brass on the ground, and that “spent casings” smell & taste
Multiply that by the fact it’s a DIY build…Dope.
No audio from ur ig stream??.
finally been waitin on dis 1
It doesn't let me watch the video
Maine, I knew an aluminum gun or rifle would get very hot after firing it two or three times automatically with a Full clip, therefore, an aluminum made gun or rifle is not good for combat, because it will heat up quickly.
You will get your Subaru soon ! Keep up the good work
For a new red dot if you still want that style and not break the bank check out the romeo 5 by sig sauer
What Up from north west Canada
Bump fire dat ting already mane!!!
It does that because the mag is loaded and the bolt carrier not cocked back
not because metal lower lmao
Lol you can tell he’s so excited love seeing the joy shooting brings take your time tho bruh ammunition is expensive and what’s the point when you ain’t hitting anything even with a red dot slow it down speed comes with practice lol ets IMO is a Instagram magazine lol pmags or the aluminum ones duramag that’s the why to go ets is more expensive than both my only experience is with the Glock mags tho ,you do you tho
Mag dump into a white man …
If you used the red dot, it probably would work better and shoot straighter.
I love when there ain’t no stock or brass on a ar
Police rubbing they hands rn watchin this. Be smarter than this maine…….
This ya main man Maine hittin us wit another one..this one here is ETS MAGS AIN'T SH%T LOL!!!….Keep it up my guy

That gun is not ready for war…