Home CMMG FN P-90 VS CMMG MK 57 Banshee

FN P-90 VS CMMG MK 57 Banshee


The CMMG MK 57 is an AR pistol shooting 5.7×28 the same caliber as the FN P90 bullpup and Five Seven pistol. The result is a low recoil Pistol Caliber carbine (pcc) that is fun to shoot. In today’s video we are going to do a pistol caliber carbine competition between the MK 57 and the p-90.

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  1. Regarding the extra weight: ps90 has a 5 inch longer Barrel, longer 50-round magazine, heavy dinosaur site. All that into consideration it's not too bad.

    Regarding ps90 pistol possibilities: I've wondered for years why no one makes it a pistol configuration. Theoretically it's easier to shoot one-handed like a pistol then any of the other AR conversions out there.
    Theoretically all they would have to do is slide in a different trigger group cover that was not contoured to the shoulder and then they could put a 10 inch barrel in it and call it a pistol.
    It would be that simple and I don't understand why no one has done it.

  2. So I looked up those m16 full auto rifles and there 50k. How much was that cmmg MK57 pistol lower with full auto? How much was that p90 in full auto? Ballpark me? Do you have a import license? I would love to have that capability. Great video one of a kind actually.

  3. If your using American Eagle 5.7 I think it lacks the case coating that FN puts on their ammo. It’s the only stuff that’s caused my ps90 to choke.

  4. Was/were the P90 mags old or worn out? They looked like they worked ok until nearing the end of the mags. I’ve never seen one in person so I’m no fanboy of them. The design is just cool.

  5. What is your opinion as to why guns like the PS90,FS200,SCAR,MCX,ACR, ….ETC sales dont compete with the AR platform rifles? I have my opinion, but I want to know what you/your followers think. Price? repair cost? Commonality? adaptability? Stupidity? Im an engineer and seek innovation in firearms tech, but it seems nothing has been able to trump the AR platform for any caliber.

  6. Owning a PS90 and an AR-15 set up with a 605 upper, the PS90 is a deceptively chonky boi. It is balanced and fits nicely in your hands, but there is no denying that there is a lot of weight in that small package.

  7. I can't speak for the full auto version of course but I have 3,000 ish rounds though my PS90 and have had no malfunctions or reliability issues. Just in case anyone was trying to decide between the two.

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