Home AR-15 Rethinking the AR 15 pistol: is it actually useable in 350 legend??

Rethinking the AR 15 pistol: is it actually useable in 350 legend??


There are a lot of AR 15 pistols out there that are in 223. That caliber gives you lots of shock and awe, but you loose a lot of performance.
So let’s look at one in .350 legend, which is essentially a 9mm super magnum. Yeah there is shock and awe, it is loud and obnoxious, BUT there is not as much performance loss.
But can it still be shot as a pistol and you still hit things with it? I am not trying to only shoot it from the shoulder, if i wanted to do that I would do the right thing and register it as a short barrel rifle…
So this video explores some of my testing.

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