Home AR-15 How Should You Store Your AR-15?

How Should You Store Your AR-15?


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0:00 How Should You Store Your AR-15?
1:05 Vehicle Storage (Grey Man Tactical)
1:28 Home Storage
2:11 Totable Storage (Savior Equipment – Covert)
3:54 BAD Workhorse AR-15 Rifle
5:30 Packing Your Bag for Quick Action
9:10 Unpacking Drills [Live Fire]
12:03 Final Thoughts
13:18 Win the Kentucky Ballistics Barrett M82!

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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger

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  1. I bought a soft backpack type guitar case. I carry my rifle ALWAYS EVERYWHERE! Ppl are always like hey Play me a tune….I'm like u def dont wanna here me play my guitar Trust Me….lol😁
    I'm a genius….

  2. I run that same Savior bag and I freaking love it. It doesn't look like a rifle bag laying in the back of a car at all. All the molle fields that are inside are awesome. I have a trple shingle mounted in mine from Blue Force and I have a Micro Fight in the large front pocket and two separate trauma kits. One with the Spiritus Micro Fight which contains 3 mags all loaded with 75gr BTHP over 8208 xbr 2290 out of 10.5 with 2 spare pistol mags for my carry gun and a small trauma kit with TQ. The triple is mounted inside along with a full Blowout kit complete with some meds airway management and NCD cash and boo boo stuff. I have an extensive emergency medical background so I have a few bonus items. I keep a few other items like a shemagh hat and other goodies and a light wind breaker. It's my grab and go system with me everyday and draws no attention whatsoever.

  3. I'm with you. Conceal carry is best. Don't want to draw any attention. Right now I'm rock'n a bag from Vertx, but I see the next one on my list. Thanks Clint…

  4. I think its fairly obvious due to the size of the shape that you'd have a rifle in that kind of bag, still less obvious then the "IM a Gr3y MaN" guy wearing OD Green and 511 Tactical merch tho lol. I could see this kind of being useful for backpacking I guess but you'd have other camping equipment getting in the way, and truthfully I don't really know why you'd need to have a rifle on you 24/7 when a CCW would do just fine in like 99% of applications.
    To me the ultimate gun for backpacking would be the 7.5 FK BRNO, it's gonna stop everything it hits including large animals (think bear) and can get a fold out brace with it. Just my 2 cents.

  5. That seems like alot going on with that sling. I am by no means an operator but it seems like that could easily get in the way in a high stress situation. I run my sling from the butt to tip or butt to just in front of the receiver. That bag is also very obvious. Better off with a tennis backpack. Just my two cents.

  6. Don't have douchebag tactical stickers and military badges on your back windshield and vehicle. The first vehicle you look to steal firearms from are the ones with stickers that say outloud I got em and know how to use them

  7. Unless an AR is in a rack the chamber should be empty. The safety is very easy to move. Seen many safeties go to fire on carried or stored ARs.

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