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Lolol hilarious but educational…
kerPEW "… REALLY?!!" I died!! But seriously, love this video! Your struggle helped me immensely in replacing my own buffer tube! In fact, of all the videos I scanned through to help me do it right, yours is the one I ultimately used as my guide!
Lol been there done that, but I lost two springs.
Thanks for this video! And thanks for keeping in the problems/mistakes. It hopefully prevented me from losing my springs!
Hey dude I am going to do this to my AR. Do i need a different buffer spring or is it interchangeable?
Great video & attitude! Very funny! I’ll subscribe.
Lol if u find those springs u are one luck SOB lol…
Oh you have spares lol lucky
Damn it. I just watched you loose the buffer tube pin and spring, and then I did it myself. Shot me right in the face. No idea where that spring is… Why is my brain so dumb?
Perfect video! Just got my first AR-15 used and it turns out the buffer tube wasn't screwed in far enough to retain the spring loaded retainer and it fell out. While messing around trying to figure that out this other small spring appeared out of nowhere! Got it all figured out and back together from your video. Thanks!
I started taking my buffer tube out and the buffer pin shot up and hit me in the middle of my forehead… what is that tiny spring called that flew out that you had a full bag of? Mine was completely bent up and I need to purchase another
That little retention springs seems like a after though kind of engineering.
Good video man, full of information, easy to understand, and funny as hell that your honest with your mistakes..lol!! I relate so much..those damn spring loaded mechanisms..
Man, please don't take this the wrong way, but I was laughing my ass off!! I've been there too so I can relate.
LOL I feel your pain. I also need to buy extra springs. I got mine all back together, put the AR by my bed, went back to the table and noticed my buffer and buffer spring… oops!!
6:53 lmao. This dude's attitude is hilarious
Thanks. Also with the magic of editing you don’t have to look like a bone-head.
What's the length of this handguard?
I feel for you and felt your pain when those springs flew out
Very informative video. The spring still flew out. But it was my own mistake. Luckily it landed right in my lap.