Home CMMG Basic Armorer 101 – The Castle Nut

Basic Armorer 101 – The Castle Nut


Trash peddlers hate him. Learn the one simple trick to avoid buying a blaster made by someone who didn’t give a shit…


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  1. I've never understood why people don't stake their castle nuts. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO easy to do and doesn't take much time. Even if you're not that good with a hammer and punch, many a gun guy in your town will help you out. I remember when I lost my VERY expensive punch set during moving (thank god I finally found it) Brian over at Sionics was kind enough to stake two nuts for me at no charge when I was buying an upper from them. peace of mind

  2. Love these videos, learned a lot from you guys at SOLGW. What about a video like this on headspace, measuring headspace, etc.? That's kind of another 'mystical' internet conversation that appears to go all over the place.

  3. I got a complete pistol lower from psa awhile back but it never came with the castle nut, the pistol tube was already installed on there. I ran it with no problems but im noticing that im supposed to have one? It's never walked out on me or anything but I'm being told I should have one

  4. I bought my BCM castle nut last night, hopefully it gets here soon. Came to youtube to make sure I know how to install it, and first video for "castle nut install" is by SOLGW, and it was uploaded just a couple months ago? I can't think of anyone I'd rather learn from.

  5. I had 2 castle nuts back off, one on a factory Delton and one on a rifle I put together. I since then, I will always stake. I use the Harbor Freight center punch starter tool. It works PERFECT.

  6. I love the transparency and education on doing things right. I’m building my first rifle and it’s a Scalper lower. Gonna pick up the upper soon (I know a place and I’m not saying until I get what I need. I know…selfish.) and deciding on what barrel/caliber I will go with soon. I would love a video on your position/advise on lapping the upper receiver, especially with your level of QC on your parts. Sorry if I’ve missed that in a video. Much respect to you guys and your outright support of the country, military and especially law enforcement in the times we are in today. I’ve got many friends who have served in both capacities. As a Texan I’m proud of you guys.

  7. Awesome vid. I thought my LMT castle nuts were awesome (they are) but I need to check out Forward Controls now.
    Mike, I'd love to see the opening of a
    .070 to a .073 on a 10.3/10.5.
    I want the wifeys personal to eat damn near everything suppressed or not without destroying itself in 6 months. Thanks for the new vids!

  8. I use a Starrett spring punch when I build a rifle. Nice not need a third hand and just holt the rifle in one hand and the punch in the other with no hammer! 🤙🏼 Love these vids

  9. What blu-ing compound do you prefer on the fresh metal left by the punch and do you tighten the castle nut to 38 lbs/ft or less (you mentioned the spec of 38 – 40 was bordering on excessive)? Thanks for all the great rifles and thanks for honest, calorie dense content.

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