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0:00 The Best AR Slings
1:09 Magpul MS1 Two-Point
3:02 T.Rex Arms Two-Point
5:52 McLean Corp Dynamic Retention (DRS)
9:34 Recap
11:01 Gear Rundown
12: 17 Win the NEMO ARMS Battle-Light .300 Blackout AR-15 Pistol
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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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What shot timer is that?
Should have showed the Haley Strategic D3 sling…lightweight and robust, straight up game changer.
you mean the best one for a simp's setup that you sell?
Video couldn’t come at a better time i was just looking into slings
Clint, you were naming everything you were running and wearing but do you run boxer or briefs! LOL
Clint needs to hit the treadmill, I can see his "moobs" through his shirt.
Does anybody just watch sometimes just to see Clint’s “Tacticool” AR builds.
is there even any reason to watch knowing the vickers blue force is not on the list
Dude you missed the only piece of equipment i was wondering about! What kind of mic is that? LOL
2 point magpul ms1
You guys need to look into ESD slings, no electrical tape needed and all slack lives in the sling. Plus the quick adjustment for retention is easy to use and silky smooth
ESD for me
Anyone know a good sling option for the KelTec's CP33, specifically for attachment at the rear of the pistol – where those two little metal rings are (for brace attachments & stuff)? …I'm thinking I'll just have to use paracord rope.
Sorry, not finding the T.Rex Arms Two-Point on your website
My wife's bikini top.
The blue force gear non padded was my go to sling until i got a ferro slingster. Still love the BFG but the slingster v2 with strike industries micro qd is my new current favorite setup.
Love the magpul sling personally!
Dang. Surprised they dont ask about your socks as well.
Vickers blue force all the way
The T Rex sling will twist around the hardware. It’s to think and not wide enough.
Why would you have your sling cinched down so tight when you might need to shoot? When I walk the property with my 22lr hunting ground squirrels I leave the slack I need to be able to shoulder and shoot without adjusting the sling.
Having that strap across the mid front of your body all the time on the McLean, wondering if it will get in the way when wearing a vest, plate carrier, etc… Dedicated one points usually run higher and go under your arm pit, above ammo pouches. I have the T-Rex and like it, lightweight, thinner material than the Blue Force Gear/Vickers slings I have but same loop/pull tab operation. The thinner material is slick and makes for fast adjustments. I use the T-rex for my lighter builds and the Blue Force for my full length rifles.
I normally use Magpul but I'm interested in the DRS, so I picked one up. Thanks for the info Clint.