Lucas Botkin goes over a couple drills to build efficiency and confidence while shooting on the move. He and Steve then run the drills with various rifles and pistol setups.
Equipment/firearms used:
SOPMOD Block II – Eotech EXPS 3
SOPMOD Block III – Vortex Razor
Colt 14.5 – Eotech XPS 2
Custom 10.3s – Eotech EXPS 3
Geissele triggers – SSP, SSA-E, SD3G
T.REX ARMS Sidecar holsters
Glock 19 with RMR (Lucas’s EDC)
Glock 17 with RMR (Steve’s EDC)
T.REX ARMS Ragnarok holster on Orion belt
Glock 17 with DeltaPoint Pro

I don't know why but gunshots sound so soothing, especially when Lucas is aimbotting and hitting different targets left and right
You know brother, you are better than most under LEA, even in the military. Thumb's up, bro.
my fbi agent is gonna be concerned but i watch these so i can imagie myself in attack on titan shooting enemies and thats about it
Anyone else feel like this video is speed up. The way the dust moves is a pretty spot on give away.
I got a little nervous when dude shot through the back windows at 7:30 haha
You should to make video with Marcus Luttrell
Great fcking job!
U'r so Amazing.Perfect Shooter Hey…Lucas Botkin u'r My idoL. How I'm to be Like You.? U are Son of a Gun.
What is the background rock music???
Are they shooting 19s or 17s?
Getting in a gun fight with Lucas is equivalent to shooting against an accurate meth head moving and shooting.
just came here to downvote the pencil neck wanna be
this guy would be a god at airsoft
I hope we can see Lucas do a shoot house sometime
Ik u guys are not Canadians but u would be good at doing the JTF2 course and Ik this video is 2 years old
He made that first concealed pistol run look way too easy
if you watch this vid at 2x speed, he goes faster than bullets
What is bg music?
Love these videos
Trump 2020
Oye ponle subtítulos en español al video por favor me gusta mucho tu contenido saludos desde Colombia.
Lucas!!! Your so good it’s sickening!! Now I’m going to the range and pretend to be you.
Imagine playing Nerf guns with this guy when you were little
God Damnnnnn
You should join the navy
Lucas, flannel daddy, kyle and matt should all do some simunition together. I’d pay to watch that ngl
Tacticool Arms
That a great course
imagine setting up that course not knowing where the targets are. Cause I mean it’s pretty easy to hit every target if you know where they are. Especially if it’s a hostage one. And for the one where you came around the corner, you had it set up to where you knew it would be there. In real life you’re not going to know where targets are. They could come from any direction.
It would be so cool if you had a go pro on while making your videos
So.. they're just using their personal vehicles as range props?