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I ordered a premium upper with a geissele mk14 rail and their super gas block pinned and it has a FN chf barrel also with a moe ept sba3 complete lower from psa as well. I have a brand new DD too of the line from a off the wall gun and dude my psa has no wobble whatsoever it is smooth as butter and I’ve even dissected the insides measured everything and there is no differences between them. Sorry but your paying for a name and a high end BCG from DD. I’d rather have my psa build over my DD. Sorry it’s just a fact.
I've used PSA on many occasions, never a hickup on any build, and have no intentions of going with premium names ever again for overpriced equipment of same the quality. And by the way, all of you "law abiding" owners need to get the hell off that wagon ok? Armed felons aren't sweeping the nation in an unprecedented wave of crime sweeping the nation. It's another one of the media's boogeymen, a buzz-word phrase that grabs the attention of people to instill a sense of danger in your head. I know armed felons. I'm friends with armed felons. And trust me, they're every bit as american as you and I. And in many cases, they'd make better prepared allies than most law abiding citizens if push comes to shove – they're already used to being treated as the enemy. Armed cops are at least an equal threat to the average person as an armed felon, if not greater. Don't believe me? Just compare all the videos available here on youtube of innocent people wiped out by armed felons VS innocent people wiped by psychotic police officers. I think you'll find that if you just pretend that they're not in uniform, they appear to be wasting people in a very criminal manner, in a very non "law abiding" fashion. RE-educate yourselves… We're all only an officers word away from being a "felon". That formidable boogeyman you're all so terrified of. How many armed felons do you know of that have air support helicopters and armored vehicles and entry teams? I don't know any… But I can tell you who does, coast to coast… Oh but they're there to help protect us right? You're a goddamn fool if you buy that.
Can I get the ACTUAL parts BUILD list for the unit that your using, would love to put together something that really packs a punch! Love your review & PSA!
Nobody ever says PSA is bad bro
I've unfortunately shot many hipoints and they were all equally as shitty as I expected them to be. Hipoint is infact a giant turd. Reminds me of a friend that was very low on funds and wanted to buy his 1st gun. He was looking at hopoints because they were the only gun he could find in his budget. I normally would say any gun is better than no gun but in this case I encouraged him to look at better weapons that cost less money…like a broom stick with a sharp end on it, or a rock…perhaps a bottle of mace and a rape whistle. But seriously. I wouldn't ever recommend buying one. Even if it were the only thing you could afford. Fortunately now there are better guns coming out all the time that compete with hipoint prices so now, more than ever before, I see no logical reason to buy one.
This was before the dark times of 2021
Where do I get my full auto lower??
I’m currently doing a full palmetto build and loving it. AR. 7.5 inch. Flash Can. 3.5 trigger ALL palmetto state armory! Great company! Great parts! Great price! I built a 16inch AR also and this build is running cheaper and it my favorite
My PSAs run great. I don’t have any plans to make any of my PSA ARs full auto. My very first handgun was a High Point, I kept it for a while but it was completely trash.
At least we know that there are 39 people that watched this vid, That paid to much for there AR
PALMETTO STATE ARMORY Is the best place to build an AR15 and the cheapest for durability .
It will still drop a lefty in skinny jeans all that matters
Great video.. I would love to see a PSA Marauder in full auto that would be bad ass
"Best time to get anything AR related" Fast forward to 2021
I’ve built dozens of PSA uppers to go on my RR M16 lower. I’ve run tens of thousands of rds through them. Never had a problem. Love the company and I appreciate how they’ve made ARs so affordable for so many people!
It’s junk to them because they paid way more for their guns.
What's the kit for full auto
People don’t realize that there’s really not that many manufacturers that build milspec stuff and if you buy per specs instead of brand your subject to have a huge price gap over the same equipment with a different brand however came of the same line . Good info sir
What do you find to be the benefit of a two-stage over one stage
Love Palmetto they have high quality affordable stuff I would take mine to combat any day or run toe to toe with a Daniel, Colt, FN whatever you got.
shame that psa started ramping up prices but ig that's just business :/ id have a lot more respect if they didn't take advantage of the demand but im hoping they will use the money for the better.
My PSA's are great!!!!
I stand corrected, that has way more suppressing power then a semi auto.
Jesus Loves You
I know this video is old but do you know where I can buy a cheap low shelf full lower? Apparently all of palmettos powers are high shelf.
Where did you purchase the lower kit to make the PSA 10.5" Carbine-Length 5.56 NATO 1/7 Nitride 12" Slant M-Lok MOE EPT SBA3 Pistol Full Auto ?
My first pistol was a high point and it jammed if it was cold. After every first shot and after it warmed up it would jam sporadically. So when I see a high point magazine I say, who’s got the pos? They always say “you have to use the right ammo”….every single time…
Hi great vid. Where do I buy the fully auto lower?
Palmetto is the best
Had a cheap PSA upper years ago I unintentionally tested some hot reloads on when I was learning to load my own. Blew the primers out of the casings to the point where if you tried to seat a new primer, it would fall out. So I checked headspace, barrel, BCG, everything was fine. I hear my reloaded brass is still being used as a "what not to do" in classes. PSA makes a good product and mines still in use today.
Stay somewhat classy San Diego.
I really think for $1,000 bucks including shipping and taxes…" IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE " …….
Have you tried HipeFire’s Hipertouch auto trigger? Would love to know how it compares to Giessele’s.
Nice. I just applied for my 07/02 SOT so hopefully I can build me a couple full autos within the next year. Great video man
People badmouth this an bear creek arsenal but I've seen them outperform Daniel defense and stuff
I love PSA I think everyone should be able to afford an AR 15 I never thought I would ever be able to afford one I've put around 3000 rounds through my PSA 16 in freedom upper with the mid length gas system I've never had any problems that weren't either ammo or not seating my mag properly on quick reloads great company In my own opinion . great video also.
Bought this upper for a poly 80. Works great, no point in overspending
I wish I could afford to send you an upper and some ammunition to melt one down.
I agree with you 100% . I own expensive ar’s as well as budget ar’s and where there is definitely a noticeable difference in overall quality, fit , and finish, the functionality seems to be the same. I think that these rifles and pistols are an excellent value for the person that can’t justify spending potentially thousands of dollars on a rifle. My palmettos are my go-to rifles for general use. Granted, I’m not involved with the military or the contract security world, or anything of that nature, but, in regards to arming an otherwise unarmed person or persons, I think that Palmetto State is doing us all a big favor. They certainly are not an LMT or BCM, but, they will definitely get the JFD if you catch my meaning. Thanks for a good video! I hope that all the folks out there that are “on the fence@ about these weapons see this video and can make an accurate and budget oriented decision. If someone calls you a “poor” for owning one then, that’s simply their opinion and it shouldn’t affect you in any way other than a little amusement.
Hi point is garbage.. my pops used to have one.. I have a psa and they are a great value..
How did you get that look with your handguard and muzzle? Is the barrel a few inches shorter than the handguard?
That ran beautifully. Gas looks just about perfect. Are you using a special buffer weight of any kind?
Shout out to IV8888

Just got a complete upper and complete lower $375 shipped on a daily deal in fde … I guess my old gen 1 mp sport will have a buddy now
Nice shirt!
Gotta love the NFA "no harder to control, keep on target and 2x as expensive full autos!…but easier to control, keep on target and easier to hit multiple targets quickly semi auto is just fine"….funny how people who dont understand firearms think they know what's best on gun laws
That's an awesome rifle, if you don't want it, I'll take it off your hands
I hear people bashing PSA, BCA, and other manufacturers all the time. I only bash a gun I know is terrible only because I owned one and it's speaking from experience. I alao own a PSA AR pistol. No issues at all. First range session I emptied a full .50 cal ammo can of Red Army Standard 223, lol. That was last Christmas and I've been shooting it once a month usually. It's fun to shoot, reliable, and with AE XM193, I get around 2 moa to 2.5 moa with a redo dot at 100 yards. I got a variety of heavy otm match ammo to see what gun likes and what gives me the best accuracy. I've owned Hi-points too, a 40S&W pistol and carbine. The pistol is big and clunky, was finicky with ammo, but the carbine was great. They didn't have good triggers, but if I ever get a Hi-point again, it be a carbine. The biggest plus to owning a Hi-point is that they are cheap and they do have a lifetime warranty. However I sold both of those and bought my M&P 9mm with no regrets, lol.
How much was your full auto lower?
The only things i dont like about that specific rifle you’re holding is,
1. I have the same one but mines in semi auto, and yours is cooler.
2. The Handguard gets H O T