Home AR-15 7" ar-15 pistol build review| Best Home defense setup! 5.56|300 blackout #2a...

7" ar-15 pistol build review| Best Home defense setup! 5.56|300 blackout #2a #pewpew


My 7′ barrel ar 15 pistol chambered in 5.56 nato is ready for an update review video. It’s not a 300 blackout ar pistol but for my needs, it is a great choice! I like it better than my Draco and my m&p ar 15 rifle. tune in to check out this beautiful pistol. #2a #pewpew #homedefense #guns #edc

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  1. Nice looking gun. I love Diamondback. I have their db9 I use for pocket carry. I got an IWI for my AR pistoll with a 121/2 barrel. My question would be about your light. It looks a little big for your 71/2 barrel. My olight is 41/2 and I had to move it around until I a found place for it and it’s pressure plate. It was always interfering with my grip. Great gun love your setup. Look forward to seeing its progression.

  2. That is a nice set up you have. I recently purchased a 300 AAC Blackout pistol in the past few weeks, myself. I also added an sb tactical brace to mine as well. i also have a Holosun green dot optic on it. I am not sure yet if i want to put a light on mine or not, but i do like that handstop on yours. i may pick up a similar one for my pistol as well. I also plan on eventually getting a 5.56 pistol to pair with my rifle in the same caliber. Again I really enjoyed your video. I am in total agreement with you, everyone has different needs for their choice in firearms. I am always supportive of anyone's choice to have firearms of any kind. I hope you continue with your firearms journey & I look forward to seeing more of your videos in the near future.

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