Home StreamLight Streamlight Macrostream EDC Flashlight | Mail Time UNBOXING

Streamlight Macrostream EDC Flashlight | Mail Time UNBOXING


Today we take a look at the Streamlight Macrostream EDC Flashlight in this mail time unboxing video. Look for a full review and more thoughts on how this flashlight does in my EDC rotation coming soon.

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  1. Rechargeable batteries are where it's at in my opinion. I've turned into a Olight addict and their rechargeable batteries and capabilities are great. I'm at the point where I only have one flashlight that runs on regular batteries now.

  2. Switch your edc to the stylusproUSB and never look back. After years of hard use and multiple falls and several accidental drops into liquids that submerged it, it's still going strong with only a tailcap/switch replacement. The battery lasts me a week between charging using it many times a day at work, and best part is I don't have to feed it batteries! As a matter of fact it's still on its original battery even though my stinger LED and HL lights have gone through a few batteries each.

  3. I agree with D.M. Faas. For basic everyday use when everything is working properly, usb rechargeable is awesome. When you are away from outlets or other power sources old fashioned batteries can't be beat as long as they are routinely replaced.

  4. I think usb rechargeable flashlights are good for everyday use. For emergencies when you may not have power or access to an outlet I want replaceable batteries.

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