Home CMMG Disassembling, Cleaning, and Lubricating your Bolt Carrier Group

Disassembling, Cleaning, and Lubricating your Bolt Carrier Group

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  1. “You can use your firing pin… even though my drill instructors told me not to.” Idk something about the way you delivered that was pretty funny to me lol.

  2. Great video. Exactly what I was looking for. I have a very hard time keeping my bolt moving freely. Can you give any insight in the best way to clean the carrier and bolt? Soak the pars ir scrub? I apologize if this is info I should already know.

  3. Silly question…. when putting a BCG back into an upper, you need to pull the bolt forward in order to move the cam pin forward too; correct? I’m a newb and that is the only way mine will go back into the upper. If not, the cam pin block the BCG from entering the upper. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong. Thanks

  4. Why would you drop oil in gas ports lol thats dumb shit they teach in military where they dont give a fuck how many soldiers die. You dont pour oil in your vehicles catalytic converter and exhaust system do you? Im 100 % sure it would clog up the whole exhaust really fast. Same goes for bolt. Leave exhaust ports dry lube up contact points that interact with metal surfaces.

  5. Ok my eyebrows went up when you said lube the entire thing, missed lubing the seal on the bolt, but you totally lost me when you said to put oil or lube inside the freaking gas ports… It's clear you don't even fully understand how it works if your giving out advice that bad lol..

  6. Thank you dude! This was the easiest tutorial to follow and you even managed to show the hole that that little pin sits in perfectly! Saved forever to my favorites and Watch Later just in case I need this video again! Big thanks from Georgia USA!!!

  7. Its christmas eve and I just got my first BCG from PSA. I had to pry my firing pin out and my cam pin will not tun bu hand. I tried to put my furing pin back in and it wont just drop in even after lubing the F out of it. Any suggestions? Or should I just contact PSA on monday to start my exchange process?

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