Home CMMG Easy Installation of A Bolt Catch Pin

Easy Installation of A Bolt Catch Pin


This short video will show how to easily align and install the bolt catch roll pin on your AR lower. If this is something you do regularly, you should watch this.

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  1. I have 10 lowers, 6 of them got scuffed, and I was using a roll pin kit made specifically for this.

    Don't feel bad if you scuff your lower, it's almost unavoidable.

  2. Just found this and THANK. YOU. Where on this forsaken green earth was THIS tidbit when I built one AR and upgraded, and worked on my other? THIS is an epically simple solution to end a lot of non-child approved verbiage. Stellar, man. Thank you!!

  3. Good video. I was looking for slightly more instant gratification than a trip to the welding shop. So I just used a 2mm Allen wrench to hold everything together while I drove the pin in. Worked great.

  4. if you shut the hammer on the trigger it generally will hold the bolt catch in place without needing something to hold it. ive also built an AR lower entirely with a vice. not even using a hammer get creative chat its just pounding a pin in a hole you dont need any fancy tools like some other people commenting were talking about not having.

  5. OMG start the roll pin fist from the rear to where it just protrudes into the gap, put all the other parts in, squeeze the roll pin into place with a pair of channel locks with a little electrical tape wrapped arround them. I had no idea people thought this was hard to do until I was looking arround on u-tube and found out how many people make this harder that it needs to be. Once you start to squeeze the channel plocks you can wiggle arround the stop to get it lined up with the free hand. I didnt even use a vise to hold the reciever when i was younger, arthritis made me a littlle less sure handed.

  6. THIS is DEF tha RIGHT WAY, but, like, prolly 85% of tha dummies out there, I was in'a hurry, and din't wanna wait to assemble/fabricate your tools. Used a hex key in place of your angled bar, and got'r in witha hammer without too much trouble. I'll def have all these tools B4 I start my next build! 😉

  7. I’m interested in getting into milling my own lowers. What would be a good mini-mill that is or could be set up for cnc. So I can mill my own lowers from titanium. I prefer quality over speed. Any help you have on mills and programs would be helpful. Thanks again for your help and videos

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