Step-by-step instructions for building and installing an AR-15 bolt carrier group (BCG) and charging handle.
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wtf is that song, it's heavy as fuk
Soo simple.
thanks homeslice
No, bs, straight to the point, true Patriot right here!

Love it
Thank you SO MUCH for this! I JUST got 2 Geissele SC handles and was having a little problem getting the bolt back in until I saw this! Once again, THANK YOU!
Hey yea thank you!
Thank you for keeping it simple. I’ll remember this next I’m putting my AR back together. Thanks!
People who are struggling as I was. Your bolt inside the carrier needs to be fully extended. Also, pull out the charging handle so the gas key can slide it, drop both together.
Well that was easy
Thank you Dr. Brule! Very concise
I like it .. simple and straight forward
Great video. Since I'm a newbie, had issues until I realize that the cam pin has to be turned to get the bolt back in. A suggestion would be to point this out for others. One learns most with burned marks on their butts!
great video. straight forward and to the point. thanks!
No need to angle your bcg though