Home CMMG BEST AR9? All new CMMG MK9 Banshee

BEST AR9? All new CMMG MK9 Banshee


The best 9mm? The all new CMMG MK9 Banshee AR9.
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  1. Hi Johnny…..can you tell us about your ear protection devices you have in this video? expensive >? good ?
    please let us know, the coolest politics and handgun channel on you tube here , Ciao
    Gio in Cali.

  2. The stimulus check for $1,400.00 nice 👍 I don’t know if there’s any signatures on those paper checks but look if there is see you what name is on there as in white president I’m kind of curious. Oh by the way did those Georgia senators that got elected maybe Biden and a few other said it would be $2,000.00 checks I think 🤔 we should get them very soon after all they were promised to us wasn’t they. My Humble Thoughts 💭 and my Serious Opinion. That money 💵 💰 could go to Ammo and or a weapon, couldn’t it?

  3. Hey Mr. B. — I want one – my wife does not / I want one – my wife does not / Taxes are coming back Honey – Then I will have Money !!!! Good review man !! From my cold / old dead hands – got your work cut out for ya man !! 🗽🔫

  4. More like the most expensive PCC on the market. Probably like 2% of your audience can actually afford this, dude. I don't think you're a sellout because I don't really think you ever got into this for the love of guns and helping new people get into the community, I think the motivation was more to do with the financial and social gains to be made and it's just natural that your entire focus is now on being a paid spokesman and filling in the dead time with "spicy memes" (more like mildly controversial) that are regularly 1-2 weeks behind the curve. Stuff like this rubs me the wrong way like crazy, don't sit there and act like this is something that's actually attainable or even practical for even half of your audience because you know it's not.

  5. I sure wish Uncle Joe would hurry up and send that $ 1,400.00. I'm ready to be stimulated and this looks like the ticket. I have a Sig Romeo that is in need of a Juliet.

  6. Johnny B, CMMG May build a great weapon. But here is my experience. My nephew Ordered a banshee they told him it would be 8 to 10 weeks three weeks later emailed him and told him it would be 20 weeks. Too long to wait he ended up buying something else.(Springfield saint) and got it in three weeks. That's not good customer service. Sorry bud, I do love your videos and support your channel.

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