Home StreamLight OWB Concealment | Glock 19X With Streamlight TLR-7A (My Church Security Setup)

OWB Concealment | Glock 19X With Streamlight TLR-7A (My Church Security Setup)


Shan Hemphill heads down to the dark range to give an overview of his current OWB carry preference when carrying with a tucked in shirt and jacket.

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Glock 19X
Streamlight TLR-7A
Trijicon RMR
Safariland Paddle Attachment

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  1. great video, very informative! I have a question about the holster and lights: are these holsters specific to each individual streamlight? i'm likely going to go with the TLR-7 or TLR-8 on my G19, though I haven't decided on the exact light as there are quite a few choices and I'm still finalizing the exact use case for this firearm. Would this holster be a good choice regardless of which light I use and would it be usable for my G19 without a light in place? thanks!

  2. I was trying to order a holster but the site was really slow and then when I did get to selecting my options it only allowed an Olight for the light selection or if I changed to a P320 Carry with a TLR7A light it said no matching products. Oh well.

  3. Is this set up available in different color options ? I viewed your website and only see black and dont see an area for color such as in this video for the FDE – Would like to order this exact configuration in this video.
    BTW – this is the exact holster Ive been looking for for various carry options and flexibility – need to order 2 one with light (TLR7A) and 1 without for my glock series .

  4. I own a 19x and it's a tack driver. I just bought a tlr-7 for it and will be getting an RMR soon. I've been looking for a while now for a good owb holster that I can tuck my shirt in while wearing a jacket. I own a few safariland holsters so I have some paddles laying around. This video just sold me on your holster & I sub'd your channel. Very informative video thank you 👍

  5. I wish that we lived in a world where "church security" was not a thing that was necessary, but sadly we do not live in such a world. Thank you for this video, Shan.

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