Home CMMG AR Safety Selector Install

AR Safety Selector Install


Easy install of an AR safety selector. Remember, the trigger has to be install before the safety, I just don’t have a spare trigger at the moment.


Instagram: @idavemoore
Twitter: @idavemoore

Music: Dub Zap by Gunnar Olsen c/o the YouTube Audio Library

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  1. Went to change my milspec grip to a magpul…done it with my other AR and no problem but this time I noticed the selector switch had fallen out. Almost @#%$ a brick thinking something broke and I need to take it to my gunsmith. Long story short your video helped alot. Ty and god bless 🇺🇸

  2. Hi Dave, Can you please let me know what brand the safety selector that you used in this build? I am specifically looking for a right handed safety selector with the "V" notch tick mark on it like in your video…Any info is greatly appreciated

  3. Great video. Thanks for going step by step. This is my first AR build and its from scratch. Every other video was "look how fast and easy i can do this" without explaining the basics/

  4. Can you recommend a safety selector that is more quiet for my M&P 15? I've found that the stock selector switch is too loud for hunting situations at close ranges. It cause me to leave the safety off in my close range spots

  5. Thanks for your help. I couldn’t figure out why my safety wasn’t engaging after I changed out my grip even though the detent was in place. The person that commented about cocking it was correct

  6. This video is the best one YouTube on safety selectors. Mine was all lose because the hole didn’t match up with the detent. It would cause my gun to fire on safety. You are a life saver, thank you

  7. Your video is a life saver. I didn't know about the little cap peice and was wondering why my safety switch wasn't functioning properly. After combing my work area for an hour and a half, I found the little bastard.

  8. After I install my trigger in my AR lower. I can no longer put my safety through the hole in receiver. Trigger sear is parasitically blocking hole. Tried it with and without hammer cocked. Any suggestions?

  9. No offence dude I usually like your content, but there are too many videos doings simple ar install shit, even the pipe videos were more entertaining then this. Hope to see more great stuff in the future 👍👍👍

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