Home StreamLight Streamlight TLR 1: Bedroom Protection

Streamlight TLR 1: Bedroom Protection


Are you using protection in the bedroom guys and girls?

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  1. Hilarious video, while being informative. The brightness of these could potentially blind an assailant as well. 

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  2. ive had a glock 21 next to my bed for a couple of years now and never had a light on it, but X you've sold me on this idea, great review as always, love your reviews plz keep doing them, missed you there for awhile, x4cto sub for life!

  3. Nice subtle hint on the table! Lol now I feel like a dick… Love the gun and all gun related vids keep em coming my man!! Love the light!! I need to invest in one for my new Beretta compact.

  4. Do you think you can do a flashlight comparison with your high lumen ones with standard alkaline batteries I'm considering buying a couple bright flashlights and want to know what standard alkalines put out if you could that'd be awesome X!

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