Cool Forgotten Weapons merch!
Since SHOT Show this year, I have gotten three different 9mm carbines that are all interesting in their own ways. The Kalashnikov USA KP-9 is a virtual copy of the Russian Vityaz submachine gun, much more sophisticated than the other 9mm AKs available today. The CMMG Banshee is a delayed blowback AR with a very clever operating mechanism and the ability to fit a standard AR lower. And the H&K SP-5 is the long-awaited semiauto civilian iteration of the MP5, my favorite submachine gun of all.
As I have done videos on each of these, lots of people have asked to see them compared to each other. Today, we are doing that! I have a selection of cool target systems from MOA Targets – an 8-plate duelling tree, a mini-Mozambique, and a Redneck Star. These will serve to test target transitions, precision shots, and moving targets respectively, and we will see which of the carbines comes out on top!
Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle #36270
Tucson, AZ 85740

Ak sucks lol
Slick wardrobe change. How much are they paying you to wear that shirt anyway?
You can tell Ian has shot a lot of hk guns
…not surprised, as I assumed HK's MP5 reputation is deserved. However, super cool to see. That visual indicator was super handy too!
I would like to get my hands on an SP5, but have no idea how to go about that exactly. Maybe one day….
Would be interesting to see how a SP5K and the Calico would do on this course – not having to reload with the latter would shave a few seconds.
This is not the convincing way to prove the HK is any better than CMMG. You vs the Texas star is the biggest variable. A more controlled test using a stationary target and measuring groups with time would be more effective, even if less entertaining.
ak-9 for looks alone.
Building a THUMPER. PDW in 460 Rowland what is the best 45acp??
Not surprised by the winner, kinda surprised by the losers
I dont blame the AK I blame Kalashnikov USA for making an inaccurate (all be it cool and cost effective) copy of the vitaz. American usually ak's aren't as good because companies like Palmetto are shipping out hot garbage that looks like it was assembled in a sweat shop by blind children. But I'm an ak person so maybe I'm just a wee bit biased.
Mitch is a deranged and evil man
I think that had you put a comparable red dot on the KP9 as you did on the other two the KP's time would have been much better.
This was a set up AR-9 all day
14:50 “Mitch is a deranged and evil man…” In no other industry would that be considered a compliment.
CMMG is my favorite. Its available in 10mm++

AK's just less accurate (whether that is inherent accuracy, ergonomics or how the weapon fires (recoil impulse, etc.). The CMMG clearly was a more comfortable weapon to fire and the delayed recoil operation probably had an impact on recovery. The HK did what the HK does. No real surprise.
Comment for the algorithm
Dang sexy Ian got his SBRs worked like a charm! Tho credits to KP9, still better than some Norinco bs.
You need to try an mpx vs sp5
You should know zat ze German engineering vill alvays vin!
"I don't want to burn ammo to no end." Says the man that decides to endurance test the Calico.
I feel like you’re more capable than you err with the cmmg and vityaz. I wondered why the the same optics it was ANY different.
Ian my favorite HK FanBoi Smokin this course with the SP-5 even with that horrible cheekweld
Yeah HK roller delay goodness.
Listening to Ian talk about the Texas Star tends to imply that the power of Ian is greater than the power of gravity
Notice that mag change was at same point with HK,and CMMG
Very interesting. I found this video very informative.
I would have been nice to see a 2nd round for the CMMG since the same logic that was used for the KP-9 goes for the Banshee as well.
Would like to see this with a Vector
My KP9 arrives on Wednesday. Less effective? Maybe by a little bit. But it looks cool as fuck and I saved some money.
How was the recoil difference between the three?
I dont kno if I will call this a test to which gun is better. It's more like this is how accurate u are with each gun