Home StreamLight Streamlight Protac HLX Laser The THICC Light!

Streamlight Protac HLX Laser The THICC Light!


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  1. I use the HLX on my home defense AR-12 shotgun, where I would likely be shooting from just above the hip. In that circumstance the laser is a perfect choice to land your load on the right spot very quickly.

  2. If I got this thiicky for $117 did I really score or should I just start working my traps and biceps? Honestly which muscle group should I start working. I'm @175 and sorta fit, no belly. But I feel like adding this plus a suppressor will tax my dermy

  3. 18650 on the batteries bro….They are also highly used in power tools wired in series. All of my lights except the big boy use the 18650. All my Nitecore 18650 lights are 1000 lumens, but the candela ranges between 33,700 and 56,000 on my EC4GT. I run the P12GT on my… er.. rifle, and it's a blinding beast (33,700 candela). Check them out, Streamlight is quality stuff but WAY, WAY overpriced.

  4. My question is, if I’m fighting a tyrannical government and they have Night vision, and I’m rocking the pad, won’t I give away my exact location with the laser or is that light going to blind them enough?

  5. I have the streamlight pro on my 10.5 something I noticed on your pressure pad it's position on the square button to turn it on without holding down on the pressure pad is closer to you i have mine turned around the other way. Is there a right and wrong way or just kinda what works for the person that sets the pressure pad up?

  6. Ahhhhh mannnnn… Surefire M500A all day if you want bulk man! Lol. Just kidding but not really. Still have two that work-ish. Yeh I’m surprised how much higher this is over the Protac but I like all of my streamlight lights. Never been into light laser combos beci get lazy and look for the dot as opposed to sites. Great review as always. Take care

  7. Mike/ Have you heard of any problems with the Cloud Defense LCS Stream Light tape switch Connection breaking? Also I would like to thank you for answering my questions. The 5.56 Pistol build is coming around. The VG6 Delta & Radian C.H. arrives tomorrow. One more thing, how does your Holster Taste. 🙄🤣

  8. I have a few lights with lasers built in. Not something I depend on on. The Green is super bright. I like using the laser when I dryfire as it shows what's going on during the trigger press.

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