Home CMMG Aero Precision M5 (.308) Complete Bolt Carrier Group Review (Black Nitride)

Aero Precision M5 (.308) Complete Bolt Carrier Group Review (Black Nitride)


In this video, I give a detailed review of the M5 (.308) Bolt Carrier Group from Aero Precision. This is a very nice Bolt Carrier Group. I dis and re-assemble for a complete review of this .308 BCG!

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  1. The gass rings on the bolt are not springs. The noise thar you hear when you pull the bolt out of the bolt carrier is not made by suction. Seems like you spent the first 5 minutes saying the same thing over and over. You don't seem to be all that well informed about the AR style rifles.

  2. I am doing an AR-10 build chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor. I had to go with the Aero BCG to have it match my upper. Since AR 10s do not have a mil spec to go by it can be a bit sketchy matching up parts from different manufacturers. I am even going to go with the Aero handguard to ensure a proper fit. It may not make a difference, but I will also go with the Aero gas block and gas tube. And yes, I will even get that expensive ambidextrous charging handle. I am understanding That Aero Precision Is a DPMS 1st generation compatible set up. However, if a charging handle for the AR-10 is DPMS compatible that does not mean that it is Gen 1 compatible it may be Gen 2 or Gen 3 compatible, which could result in some tolerance issues, and potential failures. For the AR10 builds I recommend all Aero because there is not a true Mil-Spec to use as a rule of thumb. Great video by the way!

  3. Mine has a adjustable gas block and runs pretty good up to over a 100 rounds then I have to oil it,, any suggestions because I don’t want to get caught up in something and have to stop to throw a little oil on the BCG

  4. No disrespect intended; I really hope you have learned how to break down and reassemble BCGs…and lose the needle nose pliers. Metal on metal is no good on anything that makes friction.

  5. You almost wasted 8 minutes of my time. Glad I stopped before getting to the end. Maybe try learning something about AR's before making a video and saying "stout" 50 times.

  6. Great video! would have loved to seen the firing pin hole, as this is a problem spot for many large frame AR's. (Primer flow back into the pin hole).

    I know from reading online. The following hole sizes:

    JP High pressure bolt .064
    Aero Precision (Non NIB) .070
    Fail Zero NIB .080

    I have the Fail Zero and I experience punctured primers with factory loads.

  7. thanks for the close up. That firing pin retainer, its the original Stoner design. All AR used to be that way and they went to the cater pin style to save money for the military. I replace all mine with the pin its much better . Its cool these are coming with them oem

  8. My Aero 308 BCG has a non-concentric firing pin hole. Just emailed them. Hopefully they send out a replacement bolt. My buddy found a Black Friday deal on a Radical Firearms BCG for $99.99 at Primary Arms. Upon inspection, this is the EXACT SAME product as the Aero BCG. I wonder who REALLY manufactures these for these companies.

  9. Thanks for the review Langley Firearms. Have you finished the LR 308 build with this bolt carrier group? I am a small Aero Precision dealer and build my Ar 15s and 7.62 Grendel's using Aero P receivers. I am a huge fan. But I do not use their ( Ballistic Advantage) barrels due to cost and lack of variety. Have completed three M5 builds (DPMS style) in the last month, all have been returned with F2F and ejection problems. AP tech support says " out parts are designed to work with our barrels". That is not an acceptable answer, but am working on that now with them. I have tried 4 different BCGs. Only AIMS nickel born seem to run 90% of the time. All the other including this one fires the first round when loaded with BCG release if the next round can be loaded it will not fire shallow mark on the primer.
    It has already been mentioned about how finicky the 308 on this platform can be but I would like to know what barrel and receiver anyone has got to work with the AP 308 bolt. Thanks in advance for any advice.

  10. I bought an Aero bcg for my first 308 build. Actually the lower, upper and barrel was Aero too. got it built, went out to test it and I couldn't get it to fully chamber a round. After weeks of messing with it I finally stripped the bolt down and found the problem. They had put to o-rings around the extractor spring. I do this upgrade to all my ar-15's, but 2 o-rings was too much. Once I took those out the gun worked perfect. I was a little aggravated by this and turned off by Aero products. But in their defense, I bought this when they first started making 308 parts.

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