Hey there folks! Raise your hand if you know what the “Roland Special” is… Ok now raise your other hand if you think they are pretty slick setups…( now someone comes up behind you and pokes you in the armpits) Sorry I couldn’t resist.
Well I have played with some Roland Special-ish guns and really liked them. I recently got to work on this little 9mm blaster and thought it would be pretty cool to see if I could mount the Streamlight TLR-1 HL and turn it into a Roland Special “Mini”.. here’s how that went… Enjoy!
We got Merch!

Very nice!
Youtube took you out of my algorithm. Pricks.
You could use a phlster floodlight holster if you want to iwb carry it.
i was just starting the process of figuring out a light for my G43X… I'll probably just rob the frame from my wife's G48 MOS and get the streamlight but to be honest, in Alaska I carry a G19 with a TLR in the winter and the G43X in the summer… in the summer you almost don't need a light and if I think I will I just carry the G19
Carry 43during the day, then toss the light on it at night for home defense gun. Would be good if you only had 1 pistol for ccw and home defense
If the game console had a star trek replicator feature for FPS games that was linked to the ATF, a Roland Special build would be easy.
Using a tlr 7 and the recover tactical rail on an original 43x. Pre-ordered the tlr 7 sub. Added some heat to my tlr6 holster and made it fit
You need to check out the Olight baldr mini or the mini2 valkerie,,,,I use the baldr mini on my G19 and it works awesome,,,,the light is SMALL and durable as hell,,,check out the torture tests guys have put them thru on youtube,,,,,and they are very well priced,,,my opinion is they pretty much put every other brand to shame.
You so crazy man, but I like the craziness! Doesn't that little adapter have a screw that is supposed to go into it when placed in the correct position, I can't remember?