Home AR-15 7.62×39 AR-15 – Key Components for reliability.

7.62×39 AR-15 – Key Components for reliability.


Consider these two key components when putting together your own AR, chambered in 7.62×39 to avoid common reliability problems.

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  1. People that told you not to waste your time or money didn't know what they were doing obviously. I have had numerous AR's chambered in 7.62×39 and only one had issues and I bought it in two separate but complete pieces. I have used everything from polymer lowers to name brand forgings and you could only tell a difference in assembly, not function, reliability or accuracy.

  2. If I'm not mistaking the 7.62 BCG is basically a Type I 6.5 Grendel "bolt" face difference .125 and slightly deeper.
    I have seen dedicated 7.62 BCG with a rubber buffer on the BCG
    I have seen video of changing the 5.56 "bolt" with 6.5 grendel "bolt" the "bolt" being What you remove from the BCG. The Lug, extractor and facing.
    Found in researching AR47 Build.

    Right now with everything being hard to locate you may have to purchase a 6.5 grendel bolt and replace the 5.56 bolt (not the complete BCG)

  3. Mine is a basic PSA lower with a Radical Firearms 7.62×39 upper. Currently using ASC mags (recommended by Radical). Ran flawlessly with Russian FMJ ammo, multiple fail to feeds with the same brand HPs. Replaced the mag springs with stronger CMMG braided, ceramic coated springs from Midway. Runs like a champ now, but it did knock my max rounds per mag down about 3 rounds.

  4. I have those skeleton valkyrie grips on my buck mark they are full 1911 style, with the striplin 1911 grip adapters. Love them and always get compliments on them. Also, dig that theme, very cool and unique. Awesome video. Oh and ASC mags are awesome as well for that platform.

  5. I’ve got too many AR’s as is but I need a 7.62×39 would you recommend a AR15 or AR10 platform? Already have lowers for both just need to build a new upper! I’ve got 300 BLK and 6.5 Grendel but rounds are expensive and hard to find! I’ve also got a 6.5 Creedmoor I could build a new upper for but it’s set up for bench shooting.

  6. Hi Ava..Nice Build.
    How is that AR 47 Holding Up??

    I am a Big Fan of the 7.62×39
    Considering I am a Big Fan
    of the AK Platfom..
    One thing I Learned is,
    NEVER Listen to the Internet.
    Keep on Rocking it Girl!!

  7. I'm building one right now. Worried that the lower won't work. Got my mags and they don't seem to work 😓 wondering if it is cus they are 30rd mags? Maybe the size is messing with it…

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