Home AR-15 Goat Guns Diecast AR15 Unboxing and Build

Goat Guns Diecast AR15 Unboxing and Build


A very cool diecast ar15 model from Goat Guns! Watch the boxing and build.

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  1. A lot of misunderstanding in the comments, about this being an AR15, M16, or an M4.
    It would be a good read to catch up on the history of the AR15 rifles.
    The original AR15s were select fire.
    The M16 was an adopted name after they acquired the rifle from Colt for the military.
    To sum it up, not all AR15s are M16s…but all M16s are AR15s. They all derive from the AR15 platform from Eugene Stoner.

  2. Thought this was a model u made n painted n i was still gonna take the piss outa u but na is just a fucking toy. Jesus get a life bruv 😂😂😂 dis on youtube aswell, god ur sad 😂😂

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