I’m working on another project and in that one I use the Banshee 22 dedicated 22 upper from CMMG so i thought I would do a short video explaining the .22 AR before the video airs. 22lr is a great low recoil gun especially when in an AR pistol setup. This makes the cartridge great for new shooters, the young, and the infirm, but many of us use 22 for training because it makes a cost effective gun and also a great plinking rifle. In this video we are also going to be showcasing some full auto 22 out of this small package.
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I have one I put together with an ATI poly upper & lower set as a pistol using the CMMG 4.5 barrel and the BGC with a custom made plug for the buffer to take the slop out of the BCG . It makes for an AR pistol that actually meets the ATF definition of a one handed pistol easily as the whole gun is around the same weight as a full size metal frame pistol . Plus it's kinda like a 22LR SMG to bad I don't have a full auto lower that's exactly what it would be LOL . Still it's fun to shoot when you can find enough ammo .Oh and they make a little insert that goes in the charging handle to cut down on the gas in your face . You can find them all over even Ebay .
I ran a 4.5 22lr upper suppressed on my m16 lower today. Boy that was fun. Out of the corner of your eye its just a continuous line of brass flying out. Had some jams but I think if I get that buffer plug you showed it may fix it.
Has anyone else noticed the the scope is mounted off by 90 degrees? Seems rather odd to have elevation. On top and wind age on the left hand side of the receiver. At least in the video. The still images appear it was fixed.
I just ordered the bolt and barrel kit with a 9” barrel . Really looking forward to getting it done . Thanks for the thorough discussion. Will definitely get that buffer plug thingymabob.
Rifle goes BRRRRRRT
Check out the "better mag" conversion for the lower. it allows the use of M & P 22 mags; but also features LRBHO.
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15-22 magazines can be made more reliable in a standard lower with a shim. They can also actuate modified bolt catches if you desire a dedicated standard lower dedicated to .22lr.
e.g. arcatch22 has shims and BHOs
KRISS Defiance mags (DA-MBL00) work in a standard lower without a shim but don't have a load-assist and max at 15rnds. KRISS sells the Defiance BHO (DA-BLK00) and it may work in a standard lower.
Ranier makes a .22lr upper with smaller ejection port that can help keep spent casings from jamming the action.
This dude is in between dad bod and ripped chad!
You’re always full bodied for me and always will be
Respect. Blessings peace & love to all
VSO, if you were shopping for a 10mm handgun, what would be your top 5?
Given the recent climate and I think it’s THAT important- this is your friendly reminder that if you carry a gun you owe it to yourself and the people in your life to have some legal protection. Here is my affiliate link to USCCA- Http://usccapartners.com/VSO
i dig it
Is it a pistol or a rifle?
I have to say if you have a 22lr AR, you need this. I can load a magazine in about 15 seconds https://www.mcfaden.com/McFadden-Machine-Lightnin-Grip-Loader-s/1828.htm
I bought the PSA complete 16" .22lr upper. It will use MP 15/22 mags, CMMG .22 mags, and those other ones that look just like the CMMG mags. I put about 400 rounds of CCI SV through it suppressed (Dead Air) and it worked flawlessly. I think it was a little over $300 last year.
Just shoot stuff already
The scope being mounted 90 degrees the wrong way is driving me nuts lol
Idk what it is, but full auto .22lr just hits that spot.
Put in a better mag adapter then use the S&W M&P 15/22 and you will get the last round bolt hold open.
Someone needs a McFadden lightning loader!
I wonder what the ROF would be with bore buddy's bolt weight kit.
With the normal CMMG conversion bolt, I did not find the need for that extra plug in the buffer tube.
Better way to load http://www.mcfaden.com/mobile/Product.aspx?ProductCode=LIGHTNIN-GRIP
So how can I get mine fully??? Lol
The nylon pressure plug didn’t hold my shit tight enough for binary. Ended up swapping the buffer and spring for a wooden dowel and she runs now. I figured it out so you don’t have to! Your welcome
I showed This video to my friends ,Now I don't have any friends, lol, Just BSin, Enjoyed the video and info. Been giving CMMG $$$ for a long time, Good people.
Lightning loader definitely required with these. They're awesome. http://www.mcfaden.com/mobile/Category.aspx?id=1828
Search for the “better mag” mag well adapter. Then you can use S&W MP15-22 mags. I’ve used it for years. Love love love
The scope is not in the right orientation. Might making zeroing difficult.
amazing video
nice video bro
Definitely understand why you disclaimed the explosion. Damn you unfair laws of ohio.
Definitely one of the coolest things I’ve seen today,
For the S&W 15-22 mags there is a “better mag” Adapter to insert in the magwell. With the Adapter and the 15-22 mags you have a real LRBHO that stays open after removing the mag.