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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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Will I work with a single point?
Hey man what hearing protection were you using in this video?
These legal in California?
unfortunately that adds moving parts that can fail. I would use it on a competition gun but not on my self defense rifle. If I'm relying on this rifle to save my life Im not adding a product that has the potential to fail.
what if you shoot it while it's folded?
Be aware on a AR-15 pistol must have a throw no more than 13.5 inches from trigger. SB TACTICAL sell a limiter for your brace.
Do you like ur db15 I have had one for the last year I love it!!?
The bolt carrier extention makes it impossible to quickly take the rifle down. Could you demonstrate your field strip?
I love the sight and the set up. What’s that sight called? Thanks
Cleaning is a pain in the ass once installed.
Very helpful
diamondback AR’s are easily best bang for your buck
I ordered one of these and put it on a 7.5in 7.62×39 upper. I started having failure to extract issues…any suggestions on how to fix this? The adapter works greats and snaps in place just cycling issues involving the extraction
Can the gun fire while folded?
Another idiot shouldering something to show the ATF the use of a brace…..smh thanks alot. People just because you can doesnt mean you should especially on camera.
What can y get one at ok and how much it's the cost ok i live in reidsville Georgia ok
Law Tactical folder ROCKZ!!

All these comments about it being an SBR….those laws are illegal, read the Constitution. Rise up Patriots!
How do you get around the Length of Pull requirement as a pistol?
AOW installed on AR pistol.
if you want to stay as legal as possible, you need to maybe adjust your trigger pull length for a pistol it's supposed to only be 13.5 inches.
Wouldn't storing a gun in your vehicle be a bad idea? Break in? Car stolen?
Do you know any folding adapters for ak pistols I got a hellpup & can’t find any
Umm that lop doesn’t qualify for a braced pistol.. brace or not that is an AOW and has to be permitted
You making it more than 13.5" from trigger and end of brace makes it an sbr.., js
You did not talk about the buffer extender you have to stick on the back of the bolt. The buffer will not work with out it.
What watch is that ??
What would happen if you fire the weapon without folding the stock to operational position?
Why was his barrel cooking after only about 30 rounds?
Your abomination makes my arsenal sam7sf sick
what sight are you using … include link
Just ordered mine. Thanks for the heads up.
He kept mentioning how the adapter adds length of pull but that's not what you want on a pistol… ATF ruled an AR pistol with a length of pull longer then 13 and a half inches constitutes a redesign of the brace into a stock..
So you can't shoot when it's folded and adds length when it's extended. Not really useful for me. Besides I prefer an A1 length fixed stock. The stock from Lancer is my go to choice.
Just another accessory for that three letter agency to try and ban…
I can't think of a problem that a folding AR stock would solve.
Heck no, have you lost your damn mind Cleadus
Ak gang gang