Now that the railed versions of the Glock 48 and 43X are out, is there a way to run standard lights on it? Turns out, there is.
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Does anyone run rechargeable batteries in their tlr7(a)
Does he REALLY close his eyes every time he shoots?!?!?! I’m super let down now!!
Great video! Have you tried the O-Light mini light though? I think it’s called the Mini Valkyrie.
Eye pro on next time! Love the videos, would hate an accident to be the reason it stops
And thank to Streamlight we now have a TLR-7 Sub. Really starting to lean towards getting a G48 MOS for my new carry.
I was going to get one of these. Not now. I'll just get the regular 48.
I don't know if I'm sold on a need for the smaller guns yet. But now with the 15-round shield mag it does make it more interesting
Streamlight watches your videos. TLR-7 SUB just released! Will you guy be making holsters to fit it?
Streamlight came out with the TLR-7 sub today. Hopefully you guys and stick them and do a video
Does anyone remember the Glock 1911 campaign that never manifested … just to have years later Glock makes a single stack pistol that everyone hates.
I wish more people knew about the 15 round flush fit Shield Arms mags for the 43x and 48
Subtitle indonesia please
TREX… if you guys make a new flexible sidecar style appendix rig like T1C axis or TXC ally and I’m all in!! You guys have better quality but the comfort could be a bit better!!

You need to learn basic shooting
He had some major flinching going on.
finally someone addresses an issue I never see discussed – the width the rail. I have been disappointed with all WMLs on my Hellcat as the attaching mechanism sticks out much wider than the width of the gun itself, defeating the purpose of these slim weapons. Given Glock thought this through a little better than Springfield, I think I will soon be a Glock owner once again. FYI, I heard that Streamlight will be coming out with a TLR-7 Slim version, although I have not been able to confirm that.
Is this reality, or is this some super-science weapons lab
I wish someone would do this for the olight pl mini 2
Best video so far re: 48 MOS!!!
Thanks for doing this video Isaac! Can't justify a $350 XSC with 30 minute run time for my 48 MOS. Hoping you can sell the key printed as I don't have a 3-D printer!!! Please listen Streamlight!!!!!
Hello .. what is the optical system for the Glock 48 MOS ..?
Not sure if I should get the g19 mos or the g48 mos. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
A store who provided me a safety gun on wickr is called Mrmasterglock they are on telegram too .
The end! Haha
big props!
thanks for putting up the file and encouraging others to play with it. seems really good.
do you print with carbon fiber or petg? 3d printing useful things. its the future!
just got my g17 x300 holster and i love it. i can actually carry it now!
I mounted a tlr8 perfectly for less then a dollar DIY https://youtu.be/M01DQYnBo1E
Check out my fix for less then a dollar. Watch my YouTube video of how to mount a TLR8 or any regular light to the rail
it’s super tiny.
Or just wait for the TLR-7Sub to come out.
Also it amazes me how bad SureFire has gotten at making competitive products in the compact WML footprint.
I was not expecting that ending…
What kind of watch is that??
I’m just here to listen to Isaac talk!
"Ah, quality achieved" hahaha
Sic, ya'll some awesome mad scientists..
I hate that they did this…..on something we can't get. Anyone else able to get a G48 MOS?
He’s less serious than Lucas. I like him.
Your a master of your craft, Isaac. Keep up with the experiments, please! The new G48 mos has loads of potential!!!
Flinching like a new shooter come on man the gun won't hurt u
This video confirms that Isaac deserves more mic time!
I'd like to see what are the most common parts that you've had to replace in your glocks from either failure or wear? And is there a certain round count at which you replace any pins or springs etc.
I find Isaac's videos to be better quality content and far more informative compared to the rest of Trex's videos but he shoots like a guy who doesn't shoot too often. Closes one eye and flinched on every shot.
Glock 48 or Glock 19 for one’s first handgun?
Not much the shooter in the family eh? Lol ah im just messing, your brother is pretty much a prodigy so, prolly hard to compete with that. Unless your an asian dude who spends 10 hours a day airsoft dry firing…
Your videos are getting more informative & fantastic by the year. Thanks for all that you guys show us!
Ahah he closes his eyes with each shot
Im heating up a thin sliver of kydex and wrapping it around the rail, then clamping my light on it. Works great. Holds an Olight Valkyrie no problem. Im 3D molding instead of 3D printing. Doesn't cost a dime.
Just take a heat gun to your kydex holster and shape it to fit the gun better. retention is only on the light anyway.