The fun is just hitting a target at 300 yards with a shotgun slug. The more times the better.
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First time seeing a bull barrel shotgun! Very nice gun!!!
I have the same gun. hornady SST rounds is all I use. 2 inch groups at 200 yards. Id never reached out beyond that. figured it was good for at least 300 though.
A good 12 gauge rifled slug gun is so underrated. I would take my 12 gauge slug gun any day over ANY rifle within 200 yards range because the knock down power is unmatched. I have never shot a deer past 300 yards anyways, usually within 200 or less.
My brother bought my nefew 1 when he was 6 years old in 20g but it was a smooth bore he paid $65 from a friend it served him many years he still loves it he's 15 now but has recently upgraded to a pump
That is impressive
I have this same gun I have killed my fare share of deer at 200+ yards shooting either acu tips or coppers. I've killed a couple at 250+ running. Most guys don't believe me till they see it. Lol nice shooting
At 300 yards that plate still got THUMPED hard! Nice
You sold me on it old son. My unit is muzzle loader and shotgun only
I own this same gun scoped I had no idea it was capable of this type of accuracy. In my mind, I had placed a 100 yard limit on shotguns.
Cool to see someone else doing this I was able to get my ultra slug hunter out to 300 a couple years ago with the sst slugs.
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Most accurate slug gun ever made. Would take it over any other shotgun on the market any day. Especially with lightfields
I have 2 H&R 980 Ultras I was using Federal 3/4oz Barnsexpanders they discontinued that shot great out to 170yds but switched to Federal Trophy coppers what brand is that your shooting at 300
Shooting 50 bmg round out of it with or without custom barrel
Wouldve been more fun with a smoothbore.
Rifled shotguns are "cheating".
Ps…its "say-bow". Thats the ONLY correct pronunciation.
Good experiment at 300 yards, you did not mention what ammo. it is quite impressive at long range shooting.
I own this slug gun. Had it for nearly 35 years. I still have it iron sighted. I can print 5 shot groups off the bench at 100 yards with sabot slugs that you can cover with a 6” circle. I’ve harvested a few deer over time and all have been a single shot under 100 yards. Fabulous gun. My oldest son (35) thinks it belongs to him! Haha.
What shells were you using? Hand-loads or off the shelf slugs?
I picked up this exact gun today for $125, brought it home and wiped off the rust on it, I bought it because I like the intimidating bull barrel but I had no idea that it will reach out to 300 yards,
When you have time, I'd like to see a factory slug review at 300 yards. You didn't mention what slugs you were using?
and when your really have time, a smooth bore slug challenge. Thanks great video!
Love that Rifle
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Toad. We miss your videos.
https://youtu.be/qwys3U4tnx0 really interesting your video Toad nice video Toad, I did not know that you could shoot like this with a 12 gauge, I put you an old video where I get a group of 0.71 M.O.A. from 300 metres and i did not remenber to have…
I like these single shot rifles regardless caliber. I enjoyed this video thank you
Stone the bloody crows!!! A rifled shotty?? Good grief!! If there's anything that would get me to buy another shotgun it's this one, lmao!! What a beaut. The sabot round must cost a packet though.
Great stuff mate
Thanks for sharing.
How bout this. How far is a slug accurate? 400. 600??
Hello TOADLEY and thank you for this good video! I did not think that this calibre could have such a precision!!! I think that it is the shooter who is exceptional! LOL! +1like.
I had no idea that a rifled shotgun existed! Very cool, awesome shooting especially that far with a heavy slug. I hope to see FLT go for it! If I owned a shotgun I would
looks like it's starting to get nippy out there, love the ejector on that rifle! Hmmm, I don't have a slug barrel for my shotgun (rifled barrel) yet. This challenge may have to wait a bit ha ha. I don't think a smooth bore can group that well.