Home Nikon Fun 12 gauge slug challenge/300 yards

Fun 12 gauge slug challenge/300 yards


The fun is just hitting a target at 300 yards with a shotgun slug. The more times the better.

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  1. A good 12 gauge rifled slug gun is so underrated. I would take my 12 gauge slug gun any day over ANY rifle within 200 yards range because the knock down power is unmatched. I have never shot a deer past 300 yards anyways, usually within 200 or less.

  2. My brother bought my nefew 1 when he was 6 years old in 20g but it was a smooth bore he paid $65 from a friend it served him many years he still loves it he's 15 now but has recently upgraded to a pump

  3. I have this same gun I have killed my fare share of deer at 200+ yards shooting either acu tips or coppers. I've killed a couple at 250+ running. Most guys don't believe me till they see it. Lol nice shooting

  4. I own this slug gun. Had it for nearly 35 years. I still have it iron sighted. I can print 5 shot groups off the bench at 100 yards with sabot slugs that you can cover with a 6” circle. I’ve harvested a few deer over time and all have been a single shot under 100 yards. Fabulous gun. My oldest son (35) thinks it belongs to him! Haha.

  5. I picked up this exact gun today for $125, brought it home and wiped off the rust on it, I bought it because I like the intimidating bull barrel but I had no idea that it will reach out to 300 yards,

  6. Stone the bloody crows!!! A rifled shotty?? Good grief!! If there's anything that would get me to buy another shotgun it's this one, lmao!! What a beaut. The sabot round must cost a packet though.

    Great stuff mate 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  7. looks like it's starting to get nippy out there, love the ejector on that rifle! Hmmm, I don't have a slug barrel for my shotgun (rifled barrel) yet. This challenge may have to wait a bit ha ha. I don't think a smooth bore can group that well.

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