Home CMMG CMMG MK10 Review

CMMG MK10 Review


Read the full review at GunsAmerica.com/Digest

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  1. Clay, being an fan/owner of HK-91 I totally understand the novel idea of the angled bolt lugs for the delayed blow-back operation.
    However, when running an HK Suppressed you need to time the bolt operation with the use of a different locking piece.
    How does the CMMG address this timing when switching between suppressed/un-suppressed, or even a different length barrel for that matter?
    Very interesting, great review, Thank You.

  2. Great video! And I'm half way through you book, "Concrete Jungle: A Green Beret's guide to Urban Survival". Best dedication to your kids to start it. I read that to my daughter all the time. When he's old enough, she will understand why she's in BJJ and not Ballet.

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  4. This thing bulges brass way worse than a glock. If your a reloader like me, don’t plan on reloading a lot of the brass from this. Fucking dropped $1,300 on this. Wish CMMG or someone would have mentioned this beforehand.

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