What’s up, everybody! CMMG was kind enough to send over their 200 Banshee Mk4 upper assembly. So far, it’s a winner, but I only have about 150 rounds through it. This is just a sneak peak and I will post Part 2 with some range footage in the near future so keep an eye out for that!
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Check out CMMG's YouTube channel for a more in depth review of their products. https://www.youtube.com/user/CMMG?sub_confirmation=1
Website for CMMG: https://cmmginc.com/
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Please tell me does this one come from them with radial delayed blowback? Or is RDB not available for the 556
Jesus Christ I can’t imagine how it is to live in a restricted state

Glad to see you like it! I ordered mine 16 weeks ago… anyway now I should get a notification that it shipped
Good call on the strike industries
CT shoutout! I shoot in my yard over here by fairfield!
I have a 4 year old CMMG Mk47 Mutant (7.62×39) and it rocks even after more than 5,000 rounds …… and yes she's loud !
If you really want to get the neighbors attention, add the Apollo max.Awesome muzzle brake
Sorry I hit video again. By mistake..show my hubby. It's awesome
Thank u for sharing
Nice build, feel for my brothers and sisters in Less than free states. I thought Maryland was bad!!! Keep the videos coming!!!

Aimpoint optic, great choice to top it off with.
its pretty
in the mean time in between time! love it subscribed!
CT in the house…currently waiting on my temp permit.
I'm an AR guy through and through. Cmmg is solid stuff.
Tine to leave Connecticut
Hey, come to TN so we can shoot.
what optic is that?
Cmmg is pretty sweet. I'm building a ar9 on a spikes lower that takes colt mags. I'm gonna get their 9mm radial delayed blowback barrel and bolt carrier. Cmmg is brilliant to be able to make an ar15 work without a gas system.
Just discovered your channel and I’m really liking your content. Even my wife watching now, shout out to you and all the Black men & women exercising our 2nd Amendment rights. #Blackgunsmatter
Love it! Can't wait to see the full review! So happy that there are ways to get around some state's regulations!
I seen that you had a piece made from Tacoma Washingtonobviously you're sure I seen it in a video ranks I want to build my own I'm calling them tomorrow
I wonder if there are Ma compliant "others".
Nice. Very nice.
I'm jealous. Enjoy yourself! Have fun with that beautiful weapon. Keep us all updated on how it holds up. Thank You for Your channel 🖒
New to your channel great video
Good video … I've been seriously considering an AR style, thanks for reviewing those types ..
You're a straight up gun nut. I love it. Keep doing your thing. Be blessed
Wow tho. That's Nice. Looks nasty!!!
Wow tho. That's Nice. Looks nasty!!!
Easy 32!! I said show wifey SOME shtt, not turn her into fkkn Rambo! I'm come into the bathroom and she on the toilet watching this

A lot of great parts in that. Should make a great rifle. Umm… pistol… Umm… "Other." It looks great and I'm sure it's a true shooter. Thanks for giving her some love CMMG. That upper ain't cheap. Have fun with that one Baby Girl! Keep us posted.
Get you the 450 thumper
It’s a very nice upper. I know people who haven’t been in the service get excited about “other” aka SBR. In the field they have their place but for general purpose they are generally: louder, throwing burning gasses at squad mates, not efficient for most calibers, and difficult to suppress well. If you just have to go that small get a real PDW or sub gun that maximizes the potential of the platform. Carbines have their place and rifle length has its.
That rig looks extra nice, is that a 14.5"? Muzzle brake is mean too, l like it. Just got a 22 bravo conversion from cmmg for the dpms oracle ap4, can't wait to run some shots through it.
As long as your having fun, an “other” is fine.