With the help of YouTubers like Military Arms Channel, Forgotten Weapons, IraqVeteran8888, Brandon Herrera, and more, we hope that you get out to the range, introduce someone new to shooting, and remember to #passthemag
Good Patriot
@Good Patriot
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Talon Sei
@Talon Sei
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Evan Craig Shoots
Instagram:Evan Craig (@evancraigshoots) • Instagram photos and videos
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Military Arms Channel
@Military Arms Channel
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Instagram:@22plinkster • Instagram photos and videos
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Alabama Arsenal
@Alabama Arsenal
Instagram:Alabama Arsenal (@alabama_arsenal) • Instagram photos and videos
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Forgotten Weapons
@Forgotten Weapons
Instagram:Ian McCollum (@forgottenweapons) • Instagram photos and videos
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Instagram:HarleyWood (@harleywood.co) • Instagram photos and videos
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Top Shot Dustin Ellermann
@Dustin Ellermann
Instagram:Dustin Ellermann (@topshotdustin) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:Top Shot Dustin Ellermann – Home
Instagram:Iraqveteran8888 (@iraqveteran8888_official) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) Iraqveteran8888 – Home
Kentucky Ballistics
@Kentucky Ballistics
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Facebook:(1) Kentucky Ballistics – Home
Tim & Becky Yackley
Instagram:Becky Yackley (@beckyyackley) • Instagram photos and videosTim Yackley (@timyackley) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) Becky Enders Yackley(1) Tim Yackley
Johnny B
@Johnny B
Instagram:J O H N N Y B (@johnnyappalachia) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) Johnny Appalachia
Who Tee Who
Instagram:WHOTEEWHO (@mrwho_tee_who_) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) Who_tee_who – Home
@Gun Drummer
Instagram:Gun Drummer (@gundrummer) • Instagram photos and videos
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Brandon Herrera
@Brandon Herrera
Instagram:Brandon Herrera (@realbrandonherrera) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) Brandon Herrera – Home
Texas Plinking
@Texas Plinking
Instagram:Brandon Meek (@texasplinking) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) Texas Plinking – Home
13C Gun Reviews
@13C Gun Reviews
Instagram:13C (@13cgunreviews) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) 13C Gun Reviews – Home
VSO Gun Channel
@The VSO Gun Channel
Instagram:VSO Media/VSOrdnance (@vso_gun_channel) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook:(1) VSO Gun Channel – Home

This video seems friendly
Damn I tear up everytime I watch this
Still the best video ever made!!!
Still the best video ever made!!!
Still the best video ever made!!!
You guys are AWESOME!
Dustin I knew he was going to go full Auto LOL

That was damn awesome..

Just noticed Who Tee had a can of tactical bacon
My secret has been given away, thanks a lot Johnny. I have been lubing my AR's for years with Chic Filet sauce.
love the team!
Now this, this does put a smile on my face
The 2nd Amendment + Human kindness =
Honestly saddened that @demolitionranch wasn’t involved in this. His would’ve been hilarious.
Where the hell are James and Matt?
Of course Brandon used a full auto AK with suppressor and one handed it.
out of all the youtubers you put in the title, you dont even put gun jesus in the there!?
No Demo Ranch!?!?! WTF?
How about pass the ammo
By far one of my favorite videos ever made. I LOVE AMERICA!!!
THATS WHY the AK-Guy is my FAV gun-tuber. He wont even LOOK at AR shit. He threw that Mag RIGHT BACK!!!!! "Tf is this western shit?" Lmfao!!!!!!
Johnny B

Giving kids guns are a bad idea Idont care if it's for sporting purposes
I wouldve lost my shit if I saw FPS Russia
Antifa comes to my front door.
Me (with an M2 Browning): SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!!!
Ggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!! Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud…….
Me: Now goodbye
Loved it……..
Ever notice how alot of these gun nuts look like recovered drug addicts
All I can think about after playing fallout 76 is that song. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Honestly missed opportunity.
I was hoping Ian from forgotten weapons would pull out that 100 round Calico mag
Me a german loads airsoft well eh shit
Me: this video is awesome
Internet chairborne Ranger: that’s not the same mag going from person to person……….
Kentucky Ballistics
As a non-gun owner, I'm 100% going to make the Banshee 300, MkGs, 9mm my first AR style pistol. …It might be a year or more before I'm able to afford it (because I got diagnosed with cancer in January of 2020), but yeah: CMMG has made the best delayed-action pistol on the market. That's my opinion based on the following 6 informative YouTube reviews I've watched from the likes of: Iraqveteran8888, Beyond Seclusion, Honest Outlaw, Sunday Gunday, KSGunGuy & GunBox Therapy.
I was waiting on Garand thumb
Where’s FPS Russia??
Kentucky Ballistics had the best one
Super nice.got chance to see new gun people.please keep doing it.lot of new faces for me.
And of corse Brandon has to show off with his full auto AK lol
No jerry or Matt? WTH???
I think Garand Thumb would have made a good addition to this.
So no demolition ranch?
I saw brandon, I saw everyone using AR's. I saw this was posted by CMMG, and I knew I would see a mutant.
I was wrong about one thing, however; Brandon used an AK anyways.