Home AR-15 Unboxing: Colt M4A1 SOCOM URG From Charlie’s Custom Clones

Unboxing: Colt M4A1 SOCOM URG From Charlie’s Custom Clones


Unboxing and taking a look at a beautiful Colt M4A1 SOCOM Upper Receiver Group from Charlie’s Custom Clones. This is the being of a Block 1 project I am going to be doing. It couldn’t be a worse of a time to start a project like this with all of this COVID-One-Niner🦠 BS going on. It’s probably going to be a task to find a Colt lower now… 🤷🏻‍♂️ But at least I ordered this URG before all of the CV got stirred up…

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  1. These are neat uppers. But Im sorry to see you probably paid more than you should have with them. They like to get creative with their marketing and try to market their stuff as if they are the only ones that have it. They also price gouge as the same. However, to each their own. I bought from them when I didn't know any better, early on. There are MANY more reputable companies out there, with good reviews. Charlies spends a lot of their time doing damage control on all the social media platforms and forums. They get very defensive and nasty with some of their stuff. You can see some of that in the comments here. What reputable company does that? Colt, DD, BCM, Brownells, Cheaper Than Dirt, PSA?????? A quick google search of the popular forums will shows the real Charlie's and all the complaints and shoddy customer service.

  2. Are charlie custom clones genuine colt parts? Im looking to build close to the same thing you are. I have a stripped le6920 upper and ordered the matech sight and kac ras rail. I need a lower, bcg and charging handle and wasn't sure as to whether or not charlie's is the real deal or not.

  3. It came straight from Colt that way. Never was mated full auto rifle or it would then be illegal since the 2005 barrel ban that machine gun barrels are considered part of the machine gun. Hence why so many parts kits are without the original barrels. Made to the TDP specs for us in the military, but that’s just a factory upper. Also, they put on a commercial MaTech BUIS as none of our military issue MaTech have the Picatinny Arsenal gates logo. Nice upper 👍

  4. Less than 2 years ago i bought a complete C marked keyhole forged Colt upper with the M4 marked above the gas tube hole, complete colt bcg,& cage code marked charging handle from Sharkarms $195 shipped. Wish i would have bought 10 of them.

  5. Brother that is awesome!!!
    Definitely enjoyed the unboxing
    I love Charlie customs. Got most of the parts for my Mk12 Mod 1 rifle. But unfortunately I live in Comifornia so have to go with some wacky stupid complying parts 😕.

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