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Looks good, lots of function.
Great looking rifle but why such a long barrel? The 308 only needs a 16-20 inch barrel. Any longer than 20 the powder is mostly burnt off and it's not gaining anything. That length of barrel would be better suited to a 6.5 creedmoor.
New subscriber, sweet set up. Thanks
Very sweet setup!! Drool, drool!!
Nice rifle W_T_W looking forward to the chrono tests.
He said it's 3:30 in morning
What in the holy night are you doing up so late, or should I say early?
Did you lap the scope rings
This is the greatest mod video I've ever seen
My M&P10 308 looks like a fish with all the California bull jive fins on it, but I love it. Nice setup bro.
Who Tee Who… My concern with mounting the scope would be on how far out you adjust the but rest.
Shot ate Who….. Thanks for a very cool video. The cost of the scope alone must be equal 59 the price of the rifle without all the upgrades. I have the Savage Axis XP in 308. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find inexpensive stock upgrades for it. And I am okay with that. I like what you have, and would like to have one in a bolt action config. What about a bipod??
Looks awesome bud
Looks good.
You forgot a very important upgrade ….a better trigger.
Looks like itll be a great shooter
That is a sweet setup my friend! I’ve been eyeballing the .458 SOCOM by CMMG for awhile now.
Beautiful!! That is a sexy Rifola.
Keep doing the 20 min vids
Awsome upgrades. Have say
I went with Daniel Daniel defences on my grip. With magpul non-adjustable carbin stock. Built my first ar15 in 300blk.
As of barrel went with tryed in true bear creek. My internals are from brownells. Charging handle is Brova company. Medium.
Why with the other rifles you have do you feel you needed something different for hunting?
I really like that set up its nice
Fab defense makes some cool stuff. I can’t wait to get a cmmg. Ive had my eye on that mk47 mutant for a while.
It's a piece of art!
Nice lookin set up. I got mine all done in the magpul furniture. Its all good stuff either way. It all adds up to some purdy lookin sweet shootin AR's . Who-tee-who
Awesome transformation!!
3:30 in the morning and he's working on his rifle, you may be a bit obsessed. Sweet looking setup.
Nice rifle!!
A dab of grease on that spring in the grip that works the detent for the safety. Holds that spring in the grip for ya!
Torque specs change for wash size screw and that screws thread pitch. Charts are online and easy to find. (It’s inch pounds)
Fab makes some good stuff ya chose well!
Can you tell me what brand of rifle sled your using. Thanks
i have for you a awesome thing for how many paper plates it's .50 bmg vs the one and only .416cal a lot of peopel are saying .416 is better so if you can try that vs the plates then we will be sure wich is better yeahh
why you're channel name is WHO_TEE_WHO wasn't before WHO_THE_WHO? damn i think i'm lit
I built my ar 10 on a budget. They are a temperamental beast to deal with. Tons of fun though.
Hi mate. Do you have any experience with the CZ 527 .223 and if so what are your thoughts? Sorry for off topic, but I trust your opinion.
I dig it looks sweet
Can't wait for range time to set her up

That's a very nice rifle !

Stay Safe
You forgot the JB weld and red thread locker on the threads lol
I'm sure someone will complain you didnt lol
I’ve been subscribed to you since 10k and I can’t wait for you to hit that 100k mark
Awesome picks on the upgrades they make the rifle very appealing to look at now. Can’t wait to see u sight it in
Amazing upgrades…
Nice torque screwdriver. Good looking rig.