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ok.. so how many rounds and how many years did it take to be able to start doing that.. and how can you even see the edge of the card to know where to shoot? and can you do it with iron sites lol?
As always excellent video an excellent shot.
I’m impressed but I’d be more impressed if it was done with just the iron sights
Hit a bullet casing
end at 100 yds
Great video truly a midest person the rifle did play a part but your skills are impeccable.
Got me a G3-10 20" from PSA. My ammunition cost has risen exponentially even though .308 prices have not been effected by the Kung-flu-coof. I like the way 180 grainers smack stuff around
Great video, I love watching trick shots.
The Tee stands for Trickshot.
Awesome shooting especially on the cards. Love that rifle. How far was you on the cards and what kind of scope you using
Happy 4th of July!

4:41 "I might make myself look real goofy here . . . "

you don't need a rifle for that
Weak…. lol just kidding, great shot man. Cool vid
I estimate it'll make it through 3-4 cards.
Ace stuff 'hoot.
Happy Independence Day ! Thanks for the fun video !
I love that rifle!! That .308 sure packs a wallop!!
Happy Independence day Adam! Your channel is without a doubt my favorite!
A .308 AR is the perfect tool perhaps. Love it, good shootin'
Okay, I'm impressed.
I seriously love that you are not afraid to rep hi-point firearms, I have a c9 that has mever had a single piece replaced in 10 years and was made when hi-point was still owned by beemiller inc
Heart shot on the ace of hearts
Very nice weapon WTW! I love it man
Have a great 4th of July!
Cool rifle
Wow wow wow, that was an awesome shote
Poker chips and dice for the next installment.
Show the trigger upgrade
Heavy metal why don’t you get the lad some Henry’s in he can try?
That was an awesome shot X2 !!
Thumbs UP.
Next split one with a .223/5.56 round. Although still impressive that .308 leave a little more room for error. You ever decide you don’t want that rifle anymore I need a .308

Who Tee Who that’s some good shooting
I have a BPM AR 10, sweet peice. Made in USA, north Carolina
I wanna see all your long guns at a 1000y, I keep hearing about it let’s see it. Seriously I’ve seen 20 vids with a 50 bmg at a 55yd range that’s like driving a 1966 GTO 10mph every time u drive it
No no no according to the wtw competition rules a shooter must be standing on a cinder block when splitting a card for officially recorded points.
What ammo are you gonna use this year during Deer Season?
Sweet, now that’s one AWESOME SHOT. My hats off to you BRO.