Home Nikon Randy Wakeman Outdoors: Savage 220 Slug Gun & Remington AccuTip Ammo

Randy Wakeman Outdoors: Savage 220 Slug Gun & Remington AccuTip Ammo


From Testing Remington Premier AccuTip ammo in the Savage 220 twenty gauge rifled barrel slug gun, in breezy February northern Illinois.

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  1. Randy, I've had a 220 for a couple years now, and have shot nothing but 2 3/4 accutips. Its super accurate, but mine kicks like a mule. Is there something else you might recommend that I try?

  2. I know this is an old video but I'm shooting a 212 and I have better accuracy then this with Win. Dual Bond 3" @ 150 yds. I usually get around 1.5"-1.75" groups @ 150 yds. I never understood why Rem. Accu tips were the go-to with these guns. Win. Dual Bond/Win. Partition Golds have shot EXCELLENT and Rem. Copper solids have also done VERY well. Just take it into consideration that even though its a savage 220 or 212, it may like a different ammo than your buddies gun.

  3. I have this same gun and ammo and my gun will do 1.25 inch 3 shot groups.  its pretty impressive.  BUT, my gun is NOT a soft shooting gun!  I have a Mossberg 835 that I turkey hunt with 3.5 inch mags and my 220 kicks harder then it!

  4. By the way, I live near you. Don't see many deers in our Illinois public
    land any more.

    I went on tree for 5 days. Only saw two deer once on the opening day.
    And too bad I didn't have the savage 220 yet that day.

  5. Randy, love your video and review. I bought the same gun after losing my faith in my Mossoberg 500. BTW, with all due respect, Just 6 shot to determine which ammo is better sounds like not very scientific. 

  6. Start close. What I like to do is start at like 25 yards and get it shooting about a inch high of center bullseye. Then I move out and check my 50. Then from there I move out to 100 yards. And that is with a Winchester 1300 12 gauge pump.

  7. Nice gun you have there, a bolt action shotgun never seen one before in actual. Anyway I noticed on the first shot when you cycled the gun the first round didn't eject well. Is the slug like that? or was just because you had a light pull? I'm new to the shooting hobby sorry if these questions may seem to… amateur. I'm looking for an ammo for my shotgun that's not to hard on recoil but is on the target.

  8. For those of us with pump-action slug guns with scopes, what is the best method to sight in a slug gun? With pump action I dont know of a way to bore sight the gun. Message me with methods/techniques please

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