Home CMMG AR 15 Handguard Removal Tool – How To Install a Quad Rail

AR 15 Handguard Removal Tool – How To Install a Quad Rail


I bought a $15 Wheeler AR 15 handguard removal tool (Delta Ring Tool) to help me install a Midwest Industries 2-Piece Quad Rail on my plain jane PSA carbine. Here’s how easy it was to do with the tool.

Wheeler Delta Ring Tool:

The best price I could find on this handguard was on Big Daddy Unlimited:


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  1. Bought the tool from Amazon for $19 and in kess than 5 minutes put my Midwest Industries 2 piece on too. Saved me $30 – local dealer wanted $50,,, so now I have "friends" borrowing it <lol>

  2. I've never had any trouble with Delta rings…. however, the retro A1 flat slip rings are insanely tight. I just received a retro "commando" upper yesterday, I have probably tried 10x to pop these little 6 hole handguards off.
    I'm going to be disappointed if I have to buy a crazy specific tool just for that.

  3. Brian . . . . . a couple of questions: Does your modification allow for the Olight Warrior weapon light to be attached to one of the rails? Other than Big Daddy, who else sells it? Love you vids and channel!!

  4. I like a minimalist AR. Those split rail forends are great. Too many folks buy an AR and try to hang the kitchen sink off of it. This is really for the tacticool crowd . True operators and instructors think it is stupid. Great video.

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