Home CMMG How to assemble an AR15 stripped lower receiver

How to assemble an AR15 stripped lower receiver


This video shows how to assemble a stripped lower of an AR15. It is pretty easy to do with just a few tools. Take a look as I show you some of the tips and tricks to put in some of the springs and pins.

AR15 armorers combo tool.(this was one of the cheaper ones I could find, I wouldn’t spend much more than this on one.)


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  1. Pistol ars are very practical for self defense and mobility as you mentioned putting it in your vehicle. Nice choice from psa they’re great. Just threw a trigger kit together from them and an 16” upper. Enjoy

  2. Showing all the “mistakes”educates most everyone else on the web seeking to learn.
    This is my first visit to your site. You must be a product of our UNITED STATES MILITARY.
    If it were not for the people like you, down through the last two centuries, this information would not even be available to us today.
    Thank You
    Thank you for your service.

  3. The video is great but Do not use a razor blade to put the front take down pin in. Just grab an Allen wrench that is a close to flush fit of the take down pin holes of the receiver and stick that in, and press the catch and spring in, and push the Allen wrench over the catch to hold it in. Then push the take down pin in against the Allen wrench to push the wrench out and pin in.

  4. Thank you! Easier than it looked, though I did manage to get the thing that holds the buffer under the stock, and that was a bear to get undone. But she's good now.

  5. Great video! I was able to build my first lower receiver within 45 minutes! Hammer was tricky and the front take down pin, I thought for sure you were going to cut your thumb. Palmetto has the best products, but very little with instructions on their lowers. Thank you so much!

  6. Excellent video. That damn buffer action spring gave me troubles. Also, after running 20 rounds through mine, the takedown pin and spring came undone and the gun wouldn’t cycle (problem originated with the buffer action spring).

    Anyways, great video, and hoping we can get my AR dialed in soon after new parts are ordered.

    Cheers! 🇺🇸

  7. @16:08 "just taapp it in, give it a lil tappy.. A tap-tap-taparoo" lolol🕵🙇😋 like If you understand the references.. I always liked to post movie references in comments and see if ppl catch it and kno..lol lol. Have fun stay safe don't get Covid.. Seriously. Ppl saw Trump beat it in 3 days and said he feels great( he got into all 4 drug trials for the cure, which is impossible for anyone not the president or someone who kisses Trumps A$$ so hard *cough Chris Christie cough*). Plus the Donald had almost 15 doctors, he stated that in a briefing.. plus the white house has its own staffed mini hospital inside it or under it, but it didn't have MRI or Cat scan machines then, now they prob do, there's also the fully staffed mall for the pres and cabinet to browse thru bc they can't go to a normal mall.. They gotta have a bad a$$ one underground beneath the WH.. anyways and they have him taking tons of steroids(not the muscle building kind..) The kind to help him breathe and THAT is the reason he feels better.. It's only temporary while the steroids are in his system.. When i had walking pneumonia they gave me some and i felt great.. My gf at the time loved it.. Bc i was more active and confident.. We effed like rabbits the whole time i had em.. It should be a side effect.. Sexual cravings.. Lol bc it is a side effect.. And my girl just layed on the bed not able to move except her legs twitching randomly for almost 2 weeks straight.. She wants me to get more of em everytime i go to the Dr or ER…. Lol. Sry for the mild graphicness but i had to get my point across about why the Donald (feels so "great".. It won't last) but tax payer dollars payed to keep that living chunk of fat and cheese doodles I'm guessing..( when he stands he's crooked.. So weird.. And uhh the Orange-ness that he must think looks real.. But it's a spray tan.. OMG I'd hate to be the person who spray tans him.. Bc you only wear a Speedo thing and those mini glasses to block it from your eyes.. Sorry for the rant.. #TrumpCovid #Covidisrealdontbeanidiot if you're a Trumper we still care for your health, even if you don't.. But think about it.. Trump and most of his cabinet already got it.. The WH is a hot bed for it.. I'd keep distance from it.. And oh yea Trump knew about a virus coming from China during the change of administration 4 years ago( that's why Obama had a pandemic team ready to go, but Trump got rid of it and is using this virus as a major CULLING.. It's affecting ppl that aren't white sport worse bc it sets up shop to start in the nasal passages, and white ppl have smaller ones bc they evolved that way to adapt to cold climate.. Darker skinned ppl evolved in a warmer environment and needed more oxygen bc hot air has less oxygen in it..

  8. Thank you so much man. Im building my first ar15 and I couldn't find a single video that showed everything in detail like yours did. I followed your instructions exactly and my lower build came out perfect with no problems at all. Thanks for making this video to help us

  9. Hey so I just did my first AR pistol build and I shot it today and when I pressed on the trigger once it shot like 6 rounds instead of just one, almost like a bump stock. Any solution?

  10. Very nice. Thank you for your time..
    I happened across an AR15 that was left out side through the seasons of 2yrs. Laying in the mud. It still shot, but the trigger assembly and safety switch was malfunctioning. I'm about to take it down, clean it up and reassemble… I'm sure it'll need some internal parts. I actually kind of intrested in what it looks like inside..
    Any suggestions?

  11. I'm embarrassed to say I have assembled 5 lowers by putting the trigger and disconnect together at the same time and pressing them down into the lower. This way is SO MUCH EASIER LOL!!!

  12. Nice video, built my first AR using this as a guide. However, one thing that I think you forgot to mention (idk if others have mentioned this) is the direction of the trigger pin. My pins kept walking out on me and I kept having to push them back in, did a little research to find that the reason why there are grooves is so the hammer spring can rest in/on it, preventing the trigger pin from moving.

  13. Great video almost healed my complete my first lower build! A little confused on the push pins though, not sure which spring or pins to use. It’s like the video got cut right to you using the razor blade to hold the pin and I’m assuming spring down. Still a great video though! Easy to follow and extremely helpful

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