Home CMMG Cheap Vs. Expensive! BCG'S & Charging Handles

Cheap Vs. Expensive! BCG'S & Charging Handles


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  1. the ar parts universe is strange to say the least. you can pay extra for name brands or go bargain basement and hope price and quality aren't related as closely as we might expect? sometimes yes sometime no..lol… a mill spec m16 bcg should be up to standards for safety sake,and i believe 98% of them are..

  2. KINDA SPOOKY How you explained this all so I Understand it finally.
    I Knew there was a reason why I Subd
    So I don't know about 3 gun But when I Shoot I run my Glock 19 Long slide that I Now think is referred to a Glock 34? "Correct me if i'm Wrong"
    And my 556 then my 300 BO
    Or my 10-22 Bullpup

  3. The only true assault rifle I know of is the German Sturmgewehr…all others are simply what their name is. If we are to place them in a particular category, I call them Rifles.

  4. Something very important you missed regarding the charging handles, and I point this out just because I have never thought about the difference until the other day. While at the range, the guy at the booth next to me got a nasty double feed. His bolt was JAMMED. after numerous attempts to get the BCG back far enough to clear the jam, he placed the rifle sideways on the table with the charging handle wedged against the table and gave the stock a good hard smack, as I have seen people do MANY times. What happened to his $15 ebay charging handle like the one in your video? Snapped in half, BCG still stuck with a live round in the chamber and another wedged in there. Not a great position to be in. It made me seriously reconsider using charging handles from questionable sources ever again.

  5. May want to check the aluminum grade an that cheapo charging handle. If they are lower grade(soft) aluminum and you get a stuck round it'll bend the gas key hook and then you are FUBAR! Just an FYI. El cheapo (USUALLY) is no bueno. Great presentaion on your videos though. Clear and concise.👍👍

  6. Thanks for the vid…Been hunting with bolt and semi hunting rifles for over 30 years. The AR platform is new to me and now I'm in the middle of a 5.56 and a 6.5 Grendel build and this helps a lot with the mechanical aspect of the action etc….I look forward to seeing more of your vids…they are to the point and very informative.

  7. Nice video. One question is why didn't you touch on what happens when you leave the mil spec world, and how much it might cost more than that one part to get reliable operation with that sexy bolt carrier. Also, what about ammo choices and all the cheap garbage you cram down your mil spec's throat and not have any hiccups. It seems to me that price and weight aren't the only things to consider.

  8. That was helpful info. I read about this one guys build dedicated cast bullet AR (2000fps) and he talked about getting slow twist barrel (1:12) and custom pistol size gas porting and having buffer without weights and 2" off main spring and adjustable gas block open. It occurred to me that a light BCG would help in this build as well. One day I'll build a platform just like that and with heavy barrel the recoil will be even less and with suppressor it will sound like 22LR (just a sonic crack). That would be fun!

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