Home StreamLight ****STREAMLIGHT PRO TAC HL3**** Light Test Part 2

****STREAMLIGHT PRO TAC HL3**** Light Test Part 2


Continuation of comparison between Streamlight pro tac Hl 3, HL, and other miscellaneous flashlights. (Please note distances stated in video are off because an electronic measuring device was used during filming and was inaccurate on stating actual distance) If this video helps you decide to pick up a Streamlight product please let them know my video helped you decide. I would be truly grateful. Thank you.

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  1. i use mine primarily at night when my dog goes out in my yard I have a big yard and I want to make sure there's no coyotes waiting for her in the yard ,when I turn the flashlight on the only way to describe it ,it's daylight I cannot exaggerate the amount of light this flashlight puts out it's worth the money

  2. Does anyone know how long the battery (batteries?) last?   Just wanted to make sure it might be as much as an hour or several hours or longer in case you needed it to try to find something out in the woods that might take awhile. What kind of batteries do they use?

  3. Great video, shows the improvement of the HL3 over the HL that I currently own and is always a reliable go-to light. Once you set your preference with the 10-Tap system it is nice to know you won't be messing around through menus when you know the output you need. Don't worry about the 'experts' commenting on your distance estimates, they most likely have never made a YouTube video. Thanks – now to order a HL3

  4. Thanks for taking the video outside at night. Can't seem to understand how others can review a flashlight indoors. Anyway, glad to see the difference in flashlights. But I must agree with the earlier posts re: your distances are a wee bit off.

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